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DiVE - Interactive Visualization of Embedded Data

DiVE is an interactive 3D web viewer of up to million points on one screen that represent data. It is meant to provide interaction for viewing high-dimensional data that has been previously embedded in 3D. For embedding (non-linear dimensionality reduction, or manifold learning) we recommend LargeVis (a new algorithm by Microsoft Research, ) or tSNE .

For an online demo click here. You can also use this site to upload your datasets complying to the data format described below.

New: a pipeline for Linux consisting of LargeVis and DiVE has been released here: https://github.com/sonjageorgievska/Embed-Dive .

Installation - for users

The simplest way is to download the code and open index.html with your browser. Try it by uploading datasets from the data folder. The application can work completely offline.

To use it with a local http server:

  1. Open your command line interpreter (CLI)
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Go to the main folder of DiVE in your CLI (where index.html is)
  4. Install node.js server together with the node package manager npm from (https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm).
  5. Type npm install connect serve-static
  6. Type node server.js
  7. Open your browser and type http://localhost:8082/index.html

Build - for developers

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install node, npm, and grunt-cli
  3. Run npm install to install all the build requirements
  4. Run grunt to build. The resulting compiled JavaScript will be in dist/ and the docs will be in doc/

Data description and functionality

User interaction


Visualization options

Coloring by value of property

As explained in section Data description and functionality .

Data format

is created in any programming language, where the keys are the id’s of the points and Point is an object of the class

	public class Point
	        public List<double> Coordinates;
	        public List<double> Properties;

Coordinates and Properties are as discussed in the previous section.

Next, the dictionary is serialized using JavaScriptSerializer and written in data.json (name is flexible). Here is an example of an entry of the serialized dictionary in a data.json file:

		"3951": {
    "Coordinates": [0.99860800383893167, 0.61276015046241838, 0.450976426942296],
    "Properties": ["0", "1", "5", "12688892", "0.998", "5", "True", "0", "False", "5", "1", "True", "1", "518", "0", "-1", "Rhodotorula", "", "Sporidiobolales", "Microbotryomycetes"]

Optionally, if data has properties, the dictionary should also contain an entry

		"NamesOfProperties":["name1", "name2",  , "name_n"]

Optionally, if images are associated to the nodes, the node image can be displayed in a pop-up when hovering over the node. If the datafile starts with namedataset_ then the folder with images should be images_namedataset in folder data. (see examples in folder data, sorry for their size). The name of an image should be nodeId.jpg.

If your images have a .png extension then the fingerprints_namedataset folder is an option, although it is currently made for the Sherlock purposes.

From output of LargeVis to input of DiVE

The output of LargeVis is a text file - every line has the id of the point, and 3 coordinates (real numbers). Only the first line is an exception: it contains the number of points and the dimension. Here is an example:

	4271 3
	0 -33.729916 17.692684 17.466749
	1 -32.923210 17.249269 18.111458

It can be processed into an input of the viewer by using the python script "MakeVizDataWithProperMetaData.py" in the folder "scripts_prepareData". It is called with

	python MakeVizDataWithProperMetaData.py -coord coordinatesFile -metadata metaDataFile -dir baseDir -np -namesOfPropertiesFile 


The software is released under the GPL2 licence. Contact the author if you would like a version with an Apache licence