

Simulink-iiwa interface

The SimulinkIIWA is an interface that allows the user to control KUKA iiwa manipulaotrs from inside Simulink. Unlike the KUKA Sunrise Toolbox or KST, the SimulinkIIWA interface is built upon UDP protocol instead of TCP/IP protocol.

cover photo


The project in this repository was tested using:

Video tutorials:

Video tutorials on using the interface are available in here.


To setup the SimulinkIIWA interface the following steps, for Matlab and for the robot controller, shall be followed:

On IIWA side:

On Matlab side:


First run the server on IIWA side using the smartPad, then you shall run the Simulink project in Matlab 2018a, as detailed in the following:

On the IIWA side:

On Matlab side:


Please cite the following article in your publications if it helps your research 🙏 :

author = {M. Safeea and P. Neto},
title = {Model-based hardware in the loop control of collaborative robots: Simulink and Python based interfaces},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing},
volume = {0},
number = {0},
pages = {1-13},
year  = {2023},
publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
doi = {10.1080/0951192X.2023.2177744},

Update log:

Copyright: Mohammad Safeea.

Provided under MIT license (check the license).