Django CRM is opensource CRM developed on django framework. It has all the basic features of CRM to start with. We welcome code contributions and feature requests via github.
This is divided into three parts
- Backend API Django CRM
- Frontend UI React CRM
- Mobile app Flutter CRM
Runcode is online developer workspace. It is cloud based simple, secure and ready to code workspaces, assuring high performance & fully configurable coding environment. With runcode you can run django-crm(API) with one-click.
Open below link to create django-crm workspace on RunCode. It will create django-crm API
After running API, Go to Frontend UI React CRM project to create new workspace with runcode.
Please Click Here for latest documentation.
Project Modules
This project contains the following modules:
- Contacts
- Companies
- Leads
- Accounts
- Invoices (todo)
- Cases (todo)
- Opportunity (todo)
Try for free here
Installation Guide
We recommend ubuntu 20.04. These instructions are verified for ubuntu 20.04.
To install system requirements
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python-is-python3 xvfb libfontconfig wkhtmltopdf python3-dev python3-pip build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-venv redis-server redis-tools virtualenv -y
Install dependencies
Optional (based on personal choice)
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install zsh python3-virtualenv
sh -c "$(wget -O-"
pip install virtualenvwrapper
echo "source /home/ubuntu/.local/bin/" >> ~/.zshrc
If you want to install postgres, follow
To modify postgresql root password
sudo -u postgres psql
Create and activate a virtual environment.
if you installed and configured virtualenv wrapper then use the following
mkvirtualenv <env_name>
workon <env_name>
or else
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the project's dependency after activating env
pip install -r requirements.txt
Env variables
- Then refer to
for environment variables and keep those in the.env
file in the current folder as your project is in.
Docker / docker-compose
in order to use docker, please run the next commands after cloning repo:
docker build -t djcrm:1 -f docker/dockerfile .
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Note: you must have docker/docker-compose installed on your host.
next steps
python migrate
python runserver
Then open http://localhost:8000/swagger/ in your browser to explore API.
After running API, Go to Frontend UI React CRM project to configure Fronted UI to interact with API.
Start celery worker in another terminal window
celery -A crm worker --loglevel=INFO
Useful tools and packages
pipdeptree # to see pip dependency tree
black # to format code to meet python coding standards
pip-check -H # to see upgradable packages
isort # to sort imports in python
Get help or stay up to date.
- Issues
- Follow @micropyramid on Twitter
- Ask questions on Stack Overflow
- Chat with community Gitter
- For customizations, email to
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute!
Feature requests and bug reports
We welcome your feedback and support, raise github issue if you want to report a bug or request new feature. we are glad to help.
For commercial support Contact us