

MadeInSweden Status

Version Carthage SPM CocoaPods

Platform Swift

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UIPheonix Logo

Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross-platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar ones and move them around easy as pie.

Does this seem familiar to you?


Well not any more…


Demo App


RUIC Diagram



Example RUICs

Making a RUIC is pretty simple as making a model+view.

ExampleRUIC1 ExampleRUIC1


What’s New?


How to Install

There is no framework/library distibution, I recommend that you simply add the UIPheonix.swift to your project. As this will allow you to easily find & read the UIPheonix API, and it will also allow UIPheonix to compile using your apps build settings.


Go to the documentation index page.

Used In Apps

UIPheonix is used in production in the following apps/games (that I'm aware of), these apps are together used by millions of users. Please let me know if you use UIPheonix.


Please contribute or create your own RUICs!

In the folder "3rd Party RUICs" you may add your own RUICs, if you already have a Cocoa Control (www.cocoacontrols.com) please consider converting it to the simple UIPheonix architecture. A great thing about RUICs in UIPheonix is that they all have the same architecture, so you don't have to implement and follow different implementations for each Cocoa Control in your app = less fragmentation!

As UIPheonix may progress and evolve the "RUIC Implementation Version" will increase, and so in order to know which version of UIPheonix a RUIC is compatible with please add this info to your RUIC.




Copyright 2016/2017/2018/2019 Mohsan Khan

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0