

CVPR/ICCV Template

This is a new Latex template for IEEE CVPR/ICCV submission, rebuttal, and final version. The last version of CVPR/ICCV latex template has been developed by Paolo.Ienne@di.epfl.ch and awf@acm.org about 15 years ago. The previous version suffer from several issues:

This style file is intended to be used as a single style file that could help to build review, rebuttal and final files with a single style file, simply by using one of the following commands:


\def\cvprPaperID{****} % *** Enter the CVPR/ICCV Paper ID here

For an online preview, please refer to the overleaf project: https://www.overleaf.com/read/zygbpnbccrmr If you find any bug or have any further suggestions, please contact Ming-Ming Cheng by email cmm_spam@nankai.edu.cn or leave an issue on https://github.com/MCG-NKU/CVPR_Template


This template is modified by Ming-Ming Cheng from Nankai University. This version is modified from the the old cvpr template files contributed by Paolo.Ienne@di.epfl.ch and awf@acm.org.