


MP-Test is a set of functions for implementing unit testing in MATLAB or GNU Octave. It was initially developed for MATPOWER, and is used by MATPOWER, MATPOWER Interior Point Solver (MIPS), MP-Opt-Model and MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool (MOST). It also includes a function have_feature for detecting support for optional functionality.


Note to MATPOWER users: MP-Test is included when you install MATPOWER. There is generally no need to install it separately. You can skip directly to step 3 to verify.

Installation and use of MP-Test requires familiarity with the basic operation of MATLAB or Octave, including setting up your MATLAB/Octave path.

  1. Clone the repository or download and extract the zip file of the MP-Test distribution from the MP-Test project page to the location of your choice. The files in the resulting mptest or mptestXXX directory, where XXX depends on the version of MP-Test, should not need to be modified, so it is recommended that they be kept separate from your own code. We will use <MPTEST> to denote the path to this directory.

  2. Add the following directories to your MATLAB/Octave path:

    • <MPTEST>/lib
    • <MPTEST>/lib/t
  3. At the MATLAB/Octave prompt, type test_mptest to run the test suite and verify that MP-Test is properly installed and functioning. The result should resemble the following:

  >> test_mptest
  All tests successful (29 of 29)
  Elapsed time 0.14 seconds.


  function mptest_ex1(quiet)
  if nargin < 1
      quiet = 0;
  t_begin(4, quiet);
  t_ok(pi > 3, 'size of pi');
  if have_feature('octave')
      t_ok(1, 'Octave-only test foo');
      t_ok(1, 'Octave-only test bar');
      t_skip(2, 'foo and bar tests require Octave');
  t_is(2+2, 4, 12, '2+2 still equals 4');
  >> mptest_ex1
  ok 1 - size of pi
  skipped 2..3 - foo and bar tests require Octave
  ok 4 - 2+2 still equals 4
  All tests successful (2 passed, 2 skipped of 4)
  Elapsed time 0.00 seconds.
  function test_everything_ex1(verbose)
  if nargin < 1
    verbose = 0;
  tests = {};
  tests{end+1} = 'mptest_ex1';
  tests{end+1} = 't_test_fcns';

  t_run_tests( tests, verbose );
  >> test_everything_ex1
  mptest_ex1.....ok (2 of 4 skipped)
  All tests successful (7 passed, 2 skipped of 9)
  Elapsed time 0.06 seconds.


The primary sources of documentation for MP-Test are this section of this README file and the built-in help command. As with the built-in functions and toolbox routines in MATLAB and Octave, you can type help followed by the name of a command or M-file to get help on that particular function.

Testing Functions

Other Functions

Private Functions

The following are private functions that implement detection of specific optional functionality. They are not intended to be called directly, but rather are used to extend the capabilities of have_feature (see above).


Please see our contributing guidelines for details on how to contribute to the project or report issues.


MP-Test is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license.


This material is based upon work supported in part by the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) and the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Transmission Reliability Program of the U.S. Department of Energy under the National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-09NT43321 and by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0532744, 1642341 and 1931421. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.