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<div style="margin-bottom:16px;"> <div> <div><span>/<span>ləˈdʒɛr ɪ ti</span>/ (l<i>uh</i>-<b>jer</b>-i-tee)</span></div> </div> <div> <div> <div> <div><i><span>noun</span></i></div> </div> </div> <ol> <li> <div style="margin-left:20px"> <div class="LTKOO sY7ric"> <div style="display:inline" data-dobid="dfn"><span>physical or mental quickness; nimbleness; agility.</span></div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> </div> </div>

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Legerity is an automated UI testing framework for building maintainable tests quickly for Windows, Android, iOS, and Web applications with C#/.NET.

It simplifies the development by providing easy-to-use element wrappers for native app controls that allow developers to quickly get up and running with UI tests in no time.

Legerity also provides a best practice page object pattern for building UI tests with a maintainable structure. Together with native app control wrappers, Legerity provides the best experience for building maintainable UI automation with speed.

Discover what's new in Legerity

Features ⭐

Documentation 📃

If you want to deep dive into the Legerity framework with details on how to use the features, you can browse the documentation for help getting up and running!

Our documentation includes usages examples, as well as API documentation for your technical reference.

Installation 💾

Legerity is publicly available via NuGet. Each available package is detailed below.

For non-core platform controls, for example, WinUI or the Windows Community Toolkit, we're providing additional extension packages for you to take advantage of within your test projects.

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Support Legerity 💗

As many developers know, projects like Legerity are built and maintained in spare time. If you find this project useful, please Star the repo and if possible, sponsor the project development on GitHub.

Contributing 🚀

Looking to help build Legerity? Take a look through our contribution guidelines. We actively encourage you to jump in and help with any issues!

Building Legerity 🛠

Legerity is built using .NET Standard, taking advantage of the new SDK-style projects.

You can build the solution using Visual Studio with the following workloads installed:

Got components? 💭

Do you have a collection of custom components that you'd like to see added to the Legerity framework? Feel free to drop a feature request into our work tracker!

Even better, why not help build out your custom control wrapper elements within the framework and help out the community!

Additional component extensions

NugetNuGet DownloadsExtension framework to Legerity to support cross-platform UI testing for Uno Platform

UI Automation tooling 🧰

When contributing to new element wrappers, we recommended using the Accessibility Insights tool. The tool is capable of inspecting and providing property values for Android, Web, and Windows applications.

Alternatively, you can use the Inspect.exe tool for Windows applications installed with the Windows SDKs. This is not recommended as the tool is considered legacy and can often cause oddities in UI when using.


Legerity is made available under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.