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This driver is an extension of the Selenium C# client. It has all the functionalities of the regular driver, but add Appium-specific methods on top of this.

v5 Release Candidate

Appium server compatibility for v5.x

[!IMPORTANT] In case you are using the latest beta client v5.x please be aware you will either have to upgrade your appium server to 2.x or add the base-path argument: appium --base-path=/wd/hub, due to a breaking change on the default server base path. <br/> Regardless, moving to appium 2.x is highly recommended since appium 1.x is no longer maintained. <br/> For more details about how to migrate to 2.x, see the following link : appium 2.x migrating

Deprecated Methods


Additional Information

W3C Actions: https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/actions_api <br/> App management: Please read issue #15807 for more details

Migration Guide to W3C actions

  using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions;
  var touch = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Touch, "finger");
  var sequence = new ActionSequence(touch);
  var move = touch.CreatePointerMove(elementToTouch, elementToTouch.Location.X, elementToTouch.Location.Y,TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
  var actionPress = touch.CreatePointerDown(MouseButton.Touch);
  var pause = touch.CreatePause(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));
  var actionRelease = touch.CreatePointerUp(MouseButton.Touch);
  var actions_seq = new List<ActionSequence>

WinAppDriver Notice!

[!WARNING] Because WinAppDriver has been abandoned by MS, running Appium dotnet-client 5.x with WAD will not work since it has not been updated to support the W3C protocol. <br/> To run appium on Windows Applications, you will need to use appium-windows-driver which will act as a proxy to WAD. Examples of running Windows Applications with dotnet-client can be found here: windows Integration test 5.0.0 <br/> Regardless, feel free to open an issue on the WAD repository that will help get MS to open-source that project.


NuGet Package:


Note: we will NOT publish a signed version of this assembly since the dependencies we access through NuGet do not have a signed version - thus breaking the chain and causing us headaches. With that said, you are more than welcome to download the code and build a signed version yourself.



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Nuget Deployment (for maintainers)

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