


Comprehensive evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic organs at risk segmentation on heterogeneous computed tomography images for abdominal radiotherapy (Accepted to International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics).


How to use

1. Before you can use this package for abdominal OARs segmentation. You should install:

2. Run the inference script.

from InferRobustABOD import Inference3D
Inference3D(rawf="liver_70_img.nii.gz", save_path="liver_70_pred.nii.gz") # rawf is the path of input image; save_path is the path of prediction.


Liao, Wenjun, Luo, Xiangde, He, Yuan, Dong, Ye, Li, Churong, Li, Kang, Zhang, Shichuan, Zhang, Shaoting, Wang, Guotai, and Jianghong Xiao. "Comprehensive evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic organs at risk segmentation on heterogeneous computed tomography images for abdominal radiotherapy." International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, (2023). Accessed May 26, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.05.034.

Acknowledgment and Statement

If you have any question, please contact Xiangde Luo.