

<div align=center> WORD: A large scale dataset, benchmark and clinical applicable study for abdominal organ segmentation from CT image</div>

<!-- * [**New**] **We further annotate several open available and unseen datasets (20 cases from MSD Liver, 20 cases from MSD Pancras, and more than 1k unseen cases from multi-centers) to evaluate the robustness and generalization of deep learning methods. In addition, we build a dataset with more than 3.5k abdominal CT volumes pseudo labels for academic research (self-/semi-/weakly-supervised learning and pseudo labeling), looking forward to the collaboration, please email me at any time.** * Note that all the emails about the download permission of WORD will be handled after the paper is accepted, all information will be updated in time in this repo, please don't send them multiple times!!! --> <!-- * Now, we are preparing an online evaluation server for the fair and open research if you have experience with it or want to join or provide some support to this project, please contact us !!! --> <div align=center>Fig. 1. An example in the WORD dataset.<img src="./figures/show_data_info.png"></div> <div align=center>Fig. 2. Volume distribution or each organ in the WORD dataset.<img src="./figures/size.png"></div> <div align=center>Fig. 3. Comparison results of CNN-based and Transformer-based methods.<img src="./figures/sota.png"></div> <div align=center>Fig. 4. User study based on three junior oncologists independently, each of them comes from a different hospital.<img src="./figures/user.png"></div>


Please contact Xiangde (luoxd1996 AT gmail DOT com) for the dataset (the label of the testing set can be downloaded now labelTs). Two steps are needed to download and access the dataset: 1) using your google email to apply for the download permission (Goole Driven, BaiduPan); 2) using your affiliation email to get the unzip password/BaiduPan access code. We will get back to you within two days, so please don't send them multiple times. We just handle the real-name email and your email suffix must match your affiliation. The email should contain the following information:

~~Name/Homepage/Google Scholar: (Tell us who you are.)~~
~~Primary Affiliation: (The name of your institution or university, etc.)~~
~~Job Title: (E.g., Professor, Associate Professor, Ph.D., etc.)~~
~~Affiliation Email: (the password will be sent to this email, we just reply to the email which is the end of "edu".)~~
~~How to use: (Only for academic research, not for commercial use or second-development.)~~

Acknowledgment and Statement


It would be highly appreciated if you cite our paper when using the WORD dataset or code:

  title={{WORD}: A large scale dataset, benchmark and clinical applicable study for abdominal organ segmentation from CT image},
  author={Xiangde Luo, Wenjun Liao, Jianghong Xiao, Jieneng Chen, Tao Song, Xiaofan Zhang, Kang Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Guotai Wang, and Shaoting Zhang},
  journal={Medical Image Analysis},
  title={Comprehensive Evaluation of a Deep Learning Model for Automatic Organs-at-Risk Segmentation on Heterogeneous Computed Tomography Images for             Abdominal Radiation Therapy},
  author={Liao, Wenjun and Luo, Xiangde and He, Yuan and Dong, Ye and Li, Churong and Li, Kang and Zhang, Shichuan and Zhang, Shaoting and Wang, Guotai and Xiao, Jianghong},
  journal={International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics},