

cmake-font-lock - Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake

Author: Anders Lindgren<br> Version: 0.1.13<br> URL: https://github.com/Lindydancer/cmake-font-lock<br>

Advanced syntax coloring support for CMake scripts.

The major feature of this package is to highlighting function arguments according to their use. For example:

Example CMake script

CMake, as a programming language, has a very simple syntax. Unfortunately, this makes it hard to read CMake scripts. CMake supports function calls, but they may not be nested. In addition, the functions do not support return values like normal programming languages, instead a function is capable of setting variables in the scope of the parent. In other words, a parameter could be anything like the name of a variable, a keyword, a property, or even a plain string.

By highlighting each argument, CMake scripts becomes much easier to read, and also to write.

This package is aware of all built-in CMake functions, as provided by CMake 3.26.1. In addition, it allows you to add function signatures for your own functions.

The following is colored


This package is designed to be used together with a major mode for editing CMake files. Once such package is cmake-mode.el distributed by Kitware. However this package is not dependent upon or associated with any specific CMake major mode. (Note that the Kitware package contains rudimentary syntax coloring support, this package replaces that part of the major mode.)


Install this package with Emacs' package manager.

When installed, this package is automatically activated when using CMake mode, or any other mode in the list cmake-font-lock-modes. Set this variable to nil to disable automatic initialization.


In order to perform syntax coloring correctly, this package has to be aware of the keywords and types of the CMake functions used. To add information about non-standard CMake function, the following functions can be used:

cmake-font-lock-add-keywords -- Add keyword information

Adding the list of keywords to a function is a simple way to get basic coloring correct. For most functions, this is sufficient. For example:

       "my-func" '("FILE" "RESULT" "OTHER"))

cmake-font-lock-set-signature -- Set full function type

Set the signature (the type of the arguments) for a function. For example:

       "my-func" '(:var nil :prop) '(("FILE" :file) ("RESULT" :var)))

Custom types

The signatures of CMake functions provided by this package use a number of types (see cmake-font-lock-function-signatures for details). However, when adding new signatures, it's possible to use additional types. In that case, the variable cmake-font-lock-argument-kind-face-alist must be modified to map the CMake type to a concrete Emacs face. For example:

(cmake-font-lock-set-signature "my_warn" (:warning))
(add-to-list '(:warning . font-lock-warning-face)


Converted from cmake-font-lock.el by el2markdown.