

Example for Aperture Control - Windows environment automation

Aperture Control is a tool for automating various Windows environment configuration tasks, and this repository provides a good example of what might be considered a "standard base" to work from.

This has been tested on Windows 10 Professional. No promises about it working under anything else (but please do send feedback if you are successful in other environments as well).

See Contributing Guidelines and Code of Conduct.

How to run Aperture Control

You will likely want to fork this repo and edit the contents of recipes to match your needs. You can find a number of pre-made "recipes" to accomplish various tasks in https://github.com/Lieturd/aperture-control-recipes.

To configure your system based on THIS repository run these commands in an PowerShell as Administrator:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lieturd/aperture-control/master/setup.ps1', 'setup.ps1')
.\setup.ps1 lieturd/aperture-control-example

PLEASE NOTE: Installing a lot of things with this may take a while, and your computer might launch or close various things you are already running. This is best run with a clean system, or right after starting Windows, and letting it do it's thing. Also restarting afterwards might be necessary to finish some installations, to activate various registry changes, and so on.

What does it really do?

Check Aperture Control repository for technical details of Aperture Control itself, this describes what this repository's configuration accomplishes:

And as Aperture Control normally does, a scheduled task is set up to periodically check the repository for updates and to run them - this is one good reason you do not want to just use this repository blindly (and instead fork it and use that fork) as this repository will keep changing and probably not always to your liking 😄

Words of warning

Do not blindly trust random scripts on the internet, including these. Check them for yourself, make sure you understand what is going on, and that you have reasonable reason to trust them and have control over what is running on your PC.

Do not use other people's repositories for your configuration, as they may change them, and the scripts can execute anything with administrator permissions without you noticing.


Short answer: This software is licensed with the BSD 3-clause -license.

Long answer: The license for this software is in LICENSE.md, the other pieces of software installed and used have varying other licenses that you need to be separately aware of.

Financial support

This project has been made possible thanks to Cocreators and Lietu. You can help us continue our open source work by supporting us on Buy me a coffee.

"Buy Me A Coffee"