

Recipes for Aperture Control

This repository is a collection of scripts you might want in your setup of Aperture Control.

See Contributing Guidelines and Code of Conduct.

Bug reports and improvements

If you find any bugs or have improvement ideas in any of the scripts, please file an issue or create a Pull Request.

List of recipes

Windows settings and tweaks

Software configuration

How to make registry patches

One way is figuring out what changes in your registry when you do changes. You can do that by exporting your registry before and after the change and then diffing the changes.

Create e.g. C:\temp for storing registry dumps and then run in a terminal window (and accept UAC dialog):

rem Full path is required even if you are in the folder due to how regedit works
regedit /e c:\temp\export.reg

Try to quickly do your changes (as Windows registry is constantly changed by automated things), and run the command again with a different filename.

rem Full path is required even if you are in the folder due to how regedit works
regedit /e c:\temp\changes.reg

Then open the two files in e.g. WinMerge (tested to be able to deal with a few hundred megabyte diffs easily), and try and identify the relevant bits.

Alternatively you can try to e.g. identify the changes via Process Monitor or other such tools, or check out guides on the internet for how to perform the changes in Regedit, follow them, and then export the relevant keys.


Trying out your recipes in a clean Windows installation such as on a VM from https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/ is a good idea.


Short answer: The contents of this repository are licensed with the BSD 3-clause -license.

Long answer: The license for this repository is in LICENSE.md, the other pieces of software installed by the recipes have varying other licenses that you need to be separately aware of.

Financial support

This project has been made possible thanks to Cocreators and Lietu. You can help us continue our open source work by supporting us on Buy me a coffee.

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