

:green_book: The manual.

<p align="center"> <img width="545" alt="logo" src="https://github.com/Leedehai/typst-physics/assets/18319900/ed86198a-8ddb-4473-aed3-8111d5ecde60"> </p>

The physica package for Typst (v0.9.4)

CI Latest release

Available in the collection of Typst packages: #import "@preview/physica:0.9.4": *

physica noun.

This Typst package provides handy typesetting utilities for natural sciences, including:

A quick look

See the manual for more details and examples.


A larger demo.typ:


Using physica in your Typst document

With typst package management (recommended)

See https://github.com/typst/packages. If you are using the Typst's web app, packages listed there are readily available; if you are using the Typst compiler locally, it downloads packages on-demand and caches them on-disk, see here for details.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/Leedehai/typst-physics/assets/18319900/f2a3a2bd-3ef7-4383-ab92-9a71affb4e12" width="173" alt="effect"> </p>
// Style 1
#import "@preview/physica:0.9.4": *

$ curl (grad f), tensor(T, -mu, +nu), pdv(f,x,y,[1,2]) $
// Style 2
#import "@preview/physica:0.9.4": curl, grad, tensor, pdv

$ curl (grad f), tensor(T, -mu, +nu), pdv(f,x,y,[1,2]) $
// Style 3
#import "@preview/physica:0.9.4"

$ physica.curl (physica.grad f), physica.tensor(T, -mu, +nu), physica.pdv(f,x,y,[1,2]) $

Without typst package management

Similar to examples above, but import with the undecorated file path like "physica.typ".

Typst version

The version requirement for the compiler is in typst.toml's compiler field. If you are using an unsupported Typst version, the compiler will throw an error. You may want to update your compiler with typst update, or choose an earlier version of the physica package.

Developed with compiler version:

$ typst --version
typst 0.12.0 (737895d7)


See the manual for a more comprehensive coverage, a PDF file generated directly with the Typst binary.

To regenerate the manual, use command

typst watch physica-manual.typ


Change log

