

Typst Packages

The package repository for Typst, where package authors submit their packages. The packages submitted here are available on Typst Universe.

Package format

A package is a collection of Typst files and assets that can be imported as a unit. A typst.toml manifest with metadata is required at the root of a package. An example manifest could look like this:

name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
entrypoint = "lib.typ"
authors = ["The Typst Project Developers"]
license = "MIT"
description = "An example package."

Required by the compiler:

Required for submissions to this repository:


Packages always live in folders named as {name}/{version}. The name and version in the folder name and manifest must match. Paths in a package are local to that package. Absolute paths start in the package root, while relative paths are relative to the file they are used in.


Packages can act as templates for user projects. In addition to the module that a regular package provides, a template package also contains a set of template files that Typst copies into the directory of a new project.

In most cases, the template files should not include the styling code for the template. Instead, the template's entrypoint file should import a function from the package. Then, this function is used with a show rule to apply it to the rest of the document.

Template packages (also informally called templates) must declare the [template] key in their typst.toml file. A template package's typst.toml could look like this:

name = "charged-ieee"
version = "0.1.0"
entrypoint = "lib.typ"
authors = ["Typst GmbH <https://typst.app>"]
license = "MIT-0"
description = "An IEEE-style paper template to publish at conferences and journals for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering"

path = "template"
entrypoint = "main.typ"
thumbnail = "thumbnail.png"

Required by the compiler:

Required for submissions to this repository:

Template packages must specify at least one category in package.categories.

If you're submitting a template, please test that it works locally on your system. The recommended workflow for this is as follows:

Third-party metadata

Third-party tools can add their own entry under the [tool] section to attach their Typst-specific configuration to the manifest.

# ...

foo = "bar"

Published packages

This repository contains a collection of published packages. Due to its early and experimental nature, all packages in this repository are scoped in a preview namespace. A package that is stored in packages/preview/{name}/{version} in this repository will become available in Typst as #import "@preview/{name}:{version}". You must always specify the full package version.

You can use template packages to create new Typst projects with the CLI with the typst init command or the web application by clicking the Start from template button.

Submission guidelines

To submit a package, simply make a pull request with the package to this repository. There are a few requirements for getting a package published, which are detailed below:

This list may be extended over time as improvements/issues to the process are discovered. Given a good reason, we reserve the right to reject any package submission.

When a package's PR has been merged and CI has completed, the package will be available for use. However, it can currently take a longer while until the package will be visible on Typst Universe. We'll reduce this delay in the future.

Once submitted, a package will not be changed or removed without good reason to prevent breakage for downstream consumers. By submitting a package, you agree that it is here to stay. If you discover a bug or issue, you can of course submit a new version of your package.

There is one exception: Minor fixes to the documentation or TOML metadata of a package are allowed if they can not affect the package in a way that might break downstream users.


The Typst compiler downloads packages from the preview namespace on-demand. Once used, they are cached in {cache-dir}/typst/packages/preview where {cache-dir} is

Importing a cached package does not result in network access.

Local packages

Want to install a package locally on your system without publishing it or experiment with it before publishing? You can store packages in {data-dir}/typst/packages/{namespace}/{name}/{version} to make them available locally on your system. Here, {data-dir} is

Packages in the data directory have precedence over ones in the cache directory. While you can create arbitrary namespaces with folders, a good namespace for system-local packages is local:

Note that future iterations of Typst's package management may change/break this local setup.


The infrastructure around the package repository is licensed under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license. Packages in packages/ are licensed under their respective license.