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This library aims at reducing the cost of running code on both Speculos emulator or on a real device.

It mainly consists on an interface which is implemented by three backends:

More complete documentation can be found here.


Python package

Ragger is available on https://pypi.org. To install it fully, just run:

pip install ragger[all_backends]

You can also install it from sources. At the root of the git repository, run:

pip install '.[all_backends]'


Sometimes we just need some function embedded in the library, or just one backend. It can be bothersome (and heavy) to import all dependencies when just one or none are needed.

This is why backends are stored as extra in ragger. Installing ragger without extra means it comes without any backends.

Extra are straightforward: [speculos], [ledgercomm] and [ledgerwallet]. In the previous section, [all_backends] was used: it is a shortcut to [speculos,ledgercomm,ledgerwallet].

Speculos dependencies

If the Speculos extra is installed (to use the SpeculosBackend), system dependencies are needed. Check the doc for these.


The src/ragger/backend/interface.py file describes the methods that can be implemented by the different backends and that allow to interact with a device (either a real device or emulated):

The src/ragger/navigator/navigator.py file describes the methods that can be implemented by the different device navigators and that allow to interact with an emulated device:


With pytest

The backends can be easily integrated in a pytest test suite with the following files:

#---------- some_tests.py ----------

TESTS_ROOT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent

def test_something(backend, firmware):
    rapdu: RAPDU = backend.exchange(<whatever>)
    assert rapdu.status == 0x9000

def test_with_user_action_and_screenshot_comparison(backend, firmware, navigator, test_name):
    with backend.exchange_async(<whatever>)
        if firmware.device == "nanos":
            instructions = [
        elif firmware.device == "stax":
            instructions = [
            instructions = [
        navigator.navigate_and_compare(TESTS_ROOT_DIR, test_name, instructions)
    rapdu: RAPDU = backend.last_async_response
    assert rapdu.status == 0x9000
    assert verify(rapdu.data)

The backend fixture used to discuss with the instantiated backend is documented here.

The navigator fixture used to navigate with the instantiated backend is documented here.

After implementing the tests, the test suite can be easily switched on the different backends:

pytest <tests/path>                                               # by default, will run tests on the Speculos emulator
pytest --backend [speculos|ledgercomm|ledgerwallet] <tests/path>  # will run tests on the selected backend

The tests of this repository are basically the same as this example, except the tests run on the three current firmwares (NanoS, NanoX and NanoS+).


The complete documentation can be found here. If you want to generate it locally, you'll need the doc dependencies to generate the documentation:

pip install .[doc]

You will also need the graphviz package in order to generate some dependency diagrams:

apt-get install graphviz

Once done, you can generate the documentation:

(cd doc && make gen_resources && make html)

Repository deployment, versions & tags

Versions and changes are documented into the CHANGELOG.md file.

Merging on master or pushing a tag on the GitHub repository triggers a deployment. Python packages are deployed into pypi.org.