




purescript-selda is an SQL library (eDSL) which allows a user to write type-safe queries.

Example Query

To declare a type for a SQL table (already created in the db) we write the following table definition:

people ∷ Table (id ∷ Int, name ∷ String, age ∷ Maybe Int)
people = Table { name: "people" }

Once we've defined the tables, we can write queries, e.g.

selectFrom people \{ id, name, age } → do
  { balance } ← leftJoin bankAccounts \b → id .== b.personId
  restrict $ id .> lit 1
  pure { id, balance }

Generated SQL for the above query:

SELECT people_0.id AS id, bank_accounts_1.balance AS balance
FROM people people_0
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts bank_accounts_1 ON ((people_0.id = bank_accounts_1.personId))
WHERE ((people_0.id > 1))

For a more gentle introduction and more examples please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide.

More Help

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. <br>I'll be happy to help and provide any guidance if necessary. <br>Open an issue or hit me up directly (either on slack, forum or directly via email).


Install postgresql-client's dependencies

npm install pg decimal.js



Supported by Lambda Terms

Inspired by selda