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What is Selda?

Selda is a Haskell library for interacting with SQL-based relational databases. It was inspired by LINQ and Opaleye.


Getting started

Install the selda package from Hackage, as well as at least one of the backends:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install selda selda-sqlite selda-postgresql

Then, read the tutorial. The API documentation will probably also come in handy.


Selda requires GHC 8.0+, as well as SQLite 3.7.11+ or PostgreSQL 9.4+. To build the SQLite backend, you need a C compiler installed. To build the PostgreSQL backend, you need the libpq development libraries installed (libpq-dev on Debian-based Linux distributions).



All forms of contributions are welcome!

If you have a bug to report, please try to include as much information as possible, preferably including:

Bonus points for a small code example that illustrates the problem.

If you want to contribute code, please consult the following checklist before sending a pull request:

If you want to contribute code but don't really know where to begin, issues tagged good first issue are a good start.

Setting up the build environment

From the repository root:

PostgreSQL backend testing with Docker

To test the PostgreSQL backend, use the provided pgtest-compose.yml docker-compose file:

sudo docker-compose -f pgtest-compose.yml up -d
make pgtest
sudo docker-compose -f pgtest-compose.yml down


Features that would be nice to have but are not yet implemented.