

Python >=3.5 PyTorch >=1.6

Self-Supervised Gait Encoding with Locality-Aware Attention for Person Re-Identification

By Haocong Rao, Siqi Wang, Xiping Hu, Mingkui Tan, Huang Da, Jun Cheng, Bin Hu. In IJCAI 2020. The extended journal version is available in T-PAMI 2021 with open codes.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first skeleton-based person re-identification work appeared on IJCAI.


This is the official implementation of the self-supervised gait encoding model presented by "Self-Supervised Gait Encoding with Locality-Aware Attention for Person Re-Identification". The codes are used to reproduce experimental results of the proposed Attention-basd Gait Encodings (AGEs) in the paper.


Abstract: Gait-based person re-identification (Re-ID) is valuable for safety-critical applications, and using only 3D skeleton data to extract discriminative gait features for person Re-ID is an emerging open topic. Existing methods either adopt hand-crafted features or learn gait features by traditional supervised learning paradigms. Unlike previous methods, we for the first time propose a generic gait encoding approach that can utilize unlabeled skeleton data to learn gait representations in a self-supervised manner. Specifically, we first propose to introduce self-supervision by learning to reconstruct input skeleton sequences in reverse order, which facilitates learning richer high-level semantics and better gait representations. Second, inspired by the fact that motion's continuity endows temporally adjacent skeletons with higher correlations (''locality''), we propose a locality-aware attention mechanism that encourages learning larger attention weights for temporally adjacent skeletons when reconstructing current skeleton, so as to learn locality when encoding gait. Finally, we propose Attention-based Gait Encodings (AGEs), which are built using context vectors learned by locality-aware attention, as final gait representations. AGEs are directly utilized to realize effective person Re-ID. Our approach typically improves existing skeleton-based methods by 10-20% Rank-1 accuracy, and it achieves comparable or even superior performance to multi-modal methods with extra RGB or depth information.


Datasets & Models

We provide three already preprocessed datasets (BIWI, IAS, KGBD) on <br/> Google Cloud       Baidu Cloud       Password:     kle5       Tencent Cloud       password:    ma385h <br/> <br /> The pre-trained models (BIWI, IAS, KGBD) are saved in this repository, and all three models can be acquired on <br /> Google Cloud       Baidu Cloud       Password:     r1jp       Tencent Cloud       password:    6xpj8r <br/> Please download the preprocessed datasets Datasets/ and the model files Models/ into the current directory. <br/>

The original datasets can be downloaded from:       BIWI and IAS-Lab       KGBD


To (1) train the self-supervised gait encoding model to obtain AGEs and (2) validate the effectiveness of AGEs for person Re-ID on a specific dataset with a recognition network, simply run the following command:

# --attention: LA (default), BA  --dataset: BIWI, IAS, KGBD  --gpu 0 (default)
python train.py --dataset BIWI

Please see train.py for more details.

To print evaluation results (Rank-1 accuracy/nAUC) of person re-identification (Re-ID) on the testing set, run:

# --attention: LA (default), BA  --dataset: BIWI, IAS, KGBD  --gpu 0 (default)
python evaluate.py --dataset BIWI

Please see evaluate.py for more details.


Gait Energy Image21.425.615.973.272.166.0
Gait Energy Volume25.720.413.783.266.264.8
3D LSTM27.031.033.883.377.678.0
Size-Shape Descriptors + SVM20.5
Size-Shape Descriptors + LDA22.1
DVCov + SKL21.446.645.9
CNN-LSTM with RTA50.0
D-13 Descriptors + SVM17.9
D-13 Descriptors + KNN39.333.840.546.964.363.671.190.0
D-16 Descriptors + Adaboost41.827.439.269.974.165.578.290.6
Single-layer LSTM15.820.019.139.865.865.968.487.2
Multi-layer LSTM36.134.430.946.275.672.171.989.8
AGE (Ours)59.1 (model)56.1 (model)58.2 (model)87.7 (model)86.581.785.396.3
<!-- ![results](img/AGE-results.png) -->

Model Size & Computational Complexity

Methods# ParamsGFLOPs
AGEs (Ours)7.15M37.4
CAGEs (Extension)8.47M7.5


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper

  author    = {Haocong Rao and
               Siqi Wang and
               Xiping Hu and
               Mingkui Tan and
               Huang Da and
               Jun Cheng and
               Bin Hu},
  title     = {Self-Supervised Gait Encoding with Locality-Aware Attention for Person
  booktitle = {IJCAI},
  pages     = {898--905},
  publisher = {ijcai.org},
  year      = {2020}

  title={A self-supervised gait encoding approach with locality-awareness for 3D skeleton based person re-identification},
  author={Rao, Haocong and Wang, Siqi and Hu, Xiping and Tan, Mingkui and Guo, Yi and Cheng, Jun and Liu, Xinwang and Hu, Bin},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},

More awesome skeleton-based models are collected in our Awesome-Skeleton-Based-Models.


SGE-LA is released under the MIT License.