


A Matrix-bridge to allow you receiving and sending emails in Matrix. You can have multiple email accounts and write emails to one or multiple recipients.


Compile method

git clone https://github.com/JojiiOfficial/Matrix-EmailBridge
cd Matrix-EmailBridge/main
go get -v -u
go build -o emailbridge

The last command executes the bridge once to create the probably missing config file.<br> Continue: --> Configure

Docker method

DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/jojii/matrix_email_bridge<br><br> Run

docker pull jojii/matrix_email_bridge

to pull the image. Then create a container by running

docker run -d \
--restart unless-stopped \
-v `pwd`/data:/app/data \
--name email_bridge \
<br> This will create and start a new Docker Container and create a new dir called 'data' in the current directory. In this folder data.db, cfg.json and the logs will be stored.<br>

After configuring the bridge you have to run

docker start email_bridge

to start the docker container again. <br> Note: 'localhost' as 'matrixserver' (in cfg.json) wouldn't work because of dockers own network. You have to specify the internal IP address of the matrix-synapse server!

Get started

  1. Create a bot user.
  2. Get an access token to your Matrix-Server:
curl -XPOST -d '{"type":"m.login.password", "user":"@mailBotUsername:your-domain.com", "password":"mailbotPassword"}' "https://matrix.your-domain.com/_matrix/client/r0/login"
  1. Adjust the config file (cfg.json) to make it work with your matrix server:
  "allowed_servers": [
  "defaultmailcheckinterval": 30,
  "htmldefault": false,
  "markdownenabledbydefault": true,
  "matrixaccesstoken": "access-token-from-step-3",
  "matrixserver": "matrix.full-matrix-server-domain.com",
  "matrixuserid": "@mailBotUsername:your-base-domain.com"
  1. Invite your bot into a private room, it will join automatically.<br>

If everything is set up correctly, you can bridge the room by typing <code>!login</code>. Then you just have to follow the instructions. The command <code>!help</code> shows a list with available commands.<br> Creating new private rooms with the bridge lets you add multiple email accounts.<br>


Note: you should change the permissions of the <code>cfg.json</code> and <code>data.db</code> to <b>640</b> or <b>660</b> because they contain sensitive data.
