

[Abandoned] Radon Java Bytecode Obfuscator

Radon is no longer maintained

It's important to note that Radon is intended for experimentation only. If your software breaks in production because you protected it with Radon then that is completely on you.

If you have a quick question about how something works, you can join my Discord server and ask.

This project is not likely to be production-safe nor bug free. If you would like some pointers to production-safe (more or less) and less buggy Java bytecode obfuscators that are properly maintained, I would suggest one of these:

Since we're on the topic of obfuscation, consider taking a look at Recaf (Discord) if you have not already. Recaf is actively maintained by the contributers to stay on top of a variety obfuscation techniques found in the wild. I would highly recommend learning to use Recaf for those who are into Java reverse-engineering.

Skidfuscator is probably one of the most promising Java bytecode obfuscation projects I have seen and has a much more sanely-managed codebase than most obfuscators do (including Radon). I would recommend anyone trying to get into Java obfuscation to spend time learning how Skidfuscator works.

Another resource (slightly dated, but still a good amount of information) is GenericException's SkidSuite repo. Some common cheap obfuscation techniques that have become more common in the last few years are documented there which anyone who is interested in Java reverse-engineering should know.

Additionally, here are some other obfuscators/protectors for Java that you could check out for fun or learning (though not necessarily I would recommend using are):

Build Instructions

Run the following (and hope nothing breaks):

./gradlew build

Or if you're on Windows:

gradlew.bat build

Should that somehow not work, use the following instead:

./gradlew clean shadowJar

P.S. For those wondering why there aren't any prebuilt releases, if you can't figure out how to use Gradle, should you really be using an obfuscator? ;) [end of snarkiness]



GNU General Public License v3.0 (The cancer license)