

SkidSuite 3

SkidSuite 3 is a collection of useful tools pertaining to reverse engineering of Java applications.

Table of Contents

Article TitleDescription
DeobfuscationLinks to automatic deobfuscation tools. <br> Links to manual remapping tools.
DecompilationLinks to decompilers. Translate bytecode to source-code.
EditingLinks to bytecode editors. Used for manipulating already complied Java programs.
ObfuscationLinks to obfuscators. Used to make code theft and reverse-engineering more difficult.
AndroidLinks to tools/resources for android-focused reverse-engineering.
MalwareLinks to JVM malware information.
Relevant articlesLinks to varied articles/resources for Java reverse-engineering and general JVM topics.
Skidsuite2 successorsLinks to tools that serve the same purposes as tools I previously included in SkidSuite.

Obfuscation Samples

A list of obfuscation samples from different obfuscators. You can evaluate the effectiveness of each sample on your own terms with your own tools of choice. All samples are based on a provided jar.

Obfuscation Techniques

A list of various obfuscation techniques is also available. These provide a brief summary of what the technique is and how it works.


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