


oneM2M IoT Server Platform


2.5.x (2.5.13)


Mobius is the open source IoT server platform based on the oneM2M (http://www.oneM2M.org) standard. As oneM2M specifies, Mobius provides common services functions (e.g. registration, data management, subscription/notification, security) as middleware to IoT applications of different service domains. Not just oneM2M devices, but also non-oneM2M devices (i.e. by oneM2M interworking specifications and KETI TAS) can connect to Mobius.


Mobius has been received certification of ‘oneM2M standard’ by TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association). oneM2M Certification guarantees that oneM2M products meet oneM2M Specification and Test requirements which ensure interoperability. As Mobius is certified, it will be used as a golden sample to validate test cases and testing system.

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29790334/40639101-e9ecd06c-6349-11e8-9fc2-0806d9bf5dc7.png" width="800"/> </div>

TRSL (Test Requirements Status List) is available on oneM2M certification website (http://www.onem2mcert.com/sub/sub05_01.php).

System Stucture

In oneM2M architecture, Mobius implements the IN-CSE which is the cloud server in the infrastructure domain. IoT applications communicate with field domain IoT gateways/devices via Mobius.

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29790334/28322739-d7fddbc4-6c11-11e7-9180-827be6d997f0.png" width="800"/> </div>

Connectivity Stucture

To enable Internet of Things, things are connected to &Cube via TAS (Thing Adaptation Software), then &Cube communicate with Mobius over oneM2M standard APIs. Also IoT applications use oneM2M standard APIs to retrieve thing data control things of Mobius.

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29790334/28322868-33e97f4c-6c12-11e7-97fc-6de66c06add7.png" width="800"/> </div>

Software Architecture

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29790334/28245393-a1159d5e-6a40-11e7-8948-4262bf29c371.png" width="800"/> </div>

Supported Protocol Bindings


The Mobius is based on Node.js framework and uses MySQL for database.

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29790334/28322607-7be7d916-6c11-11e7-9d20-ac07961971bf.png" width="600"/> </div><br/>

Mobius Docker Version

We deploy Mobius as a Docker image using the virtualization open source tool Docker.


[Mobius home]/mobius/mobiusdb.sql
mosquitto -v
npm install
  "csebaseport": "7579", //Mobius HTTP hosting  port
  "dbpass": "*******"    //MySQL root password


Use node.js application execution command as below

node mobius.js
<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29790334/28245526-c9db7850-6a43-11e7-9bfd-f0b4fb20e396.png" width="700"/> </div><br/>

Library Dependencies

This is the list of library dependencies for Mobius


If you want more details please download the full installation guide document.


Jaeho Kim (jhkim@keti.re.kr) Il Yeup Ahn (iyahn@keti.re.kr)