

Mobius_Docker Installation

1. Download Mobius_Docker from KETI's git repository

sudo git clone https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius_Docker.git
cd Mobius_Docker

2. Execute "install.sh"

sudo ./instatll.sh

3. Execute "run.sh"

sudo ./run.sh

4. Test using cURL

sudo ./test.sh

You can follows below commands for each objective

Stop mobius docker containers 
"sudo ./stop.sh"

Remove mobius docker containers
"sudo ./remove.sh"

Check status of mobius docker containers
"sudo ./status.sh"

Show logs of mobius docker containers
"sudo ./logs.sh"

Snapshot of normal running Mobius docker

In the snapshot, left console shows response of "Retrieve CES Resource" and right console describes request of "Retreive CSE Resoruce" respectively.

정상동작 화면 정상동작 화면

Docker-compose configuration details


image: mysql:latest    # Import the mysql docker image stored in the Docker-Hub.
environment:        # This is the mysql environment variable setting.
  MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "dksdlfduq2"
  MYSQL_DATABASE: "mobiusdb"
ports:    # Port matching of HOST Port and Docker is required.  "HOST:Docker-container" 
  - "3306:3306"
network_mode: "host"  # It operates in the same network environment as the host for easy use.
volumes:              # Get the required libraries from the Host. The mobiusdb.sql file is prepared in this path.
  - ./Mobius/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
healthcheck:          # It is a function of Docker-compose to check whether the software is working or not.
        test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" , "--password=dksdlfduq2", "ping"]
        interval: 20s
        timeout: 20s
        retries: 10


image: "node:14.5.2"
working_dir: /home/node/app   # Sets the virtual image directory of the Nodejs-based Mobius.
  - NODE_ENV=production
volumes:                   # Import mobius source code from the host into the virtual image directory.
  - ./Mobius:/home/node/app
network_mode: "host"
  - "8081"
command: "node mobius"  # When the Docker preference is complete, Mobius runs up.
depends_on:             # After Mysql is running, Mobius will work. If this is not taken into consideration, it will not execute normally due to delay with DB.
            condition: service_healthy


image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest  # Import the mosquitto (MQTT Tool) image stored in the Docker-Hub.
  - 1883:1883
network_mode: "host"
  - ./etc/mosquitto:/etc/mosquitto:ro
  - ./var/log/mosquitto:/var/log/mosquitto:rw
depends_on:		    # Mosquitto will work after mysql is running. If this is not taken into consideration, the delay with Mobius will not work properly.
            condition: service_healthy
