

GUIslice Builder

Please refer to the wiki page for installation and usage details:

GUIslice Builder - Documentation

Brief Overview

<p> The GUIslice Builder is a standalone desktop application that is more than a layout tool for your UI. It's designed as Low Code GUI Generator for User Interfaces that make use of GUIslice API. </p> <p> The cross-platform utility includes a WYSIWYG graphical editor that enables drag & drop placement of UI elements. Once a GUI has been laid out, the Builder can then generate a fully functional GUIslice Graphical UI complete with plug-in points for your custom application. </p> <p> The GUIslice API framework code can handle hardware like Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32 and more. It supports Graphic libraries like Adafruit's GFX, M5Stack, TFT_eSPI and LINUX with a wide variety of TFT Display Drivers and combinations of Touch support chips. </p> <p> The generated output code (*.c, *.ino, *_GSLC.h) includes all of the necessary defines, UI storage elements and initialization in addition to the placement of the UI elements. This will greatly improve the ease in creating a new Graphical Application. </p>

You can find Example project files inside GUIslice/examples/builder


<p>The Software is not designed for use in devices or situations where there may be physical injury if the Software has errors.</p>


Contributing Guidelines

Builder Contents

Note that the Builder executables and User Guide are attached to the latest GUIslice Builder Repository Release Notes

Builder Source Code

The Builder source code is located in this repository ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-Builder

Installation instructions

The needed version of Java is now custom built and distributed with GUIsliceBuilder so you no longer need to deal with its installation.

Windows GUIsliceBuilder Install

Download the builder-win-x64-0.17.b13.zip from github GUIslice-Builder Releases: https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-Builder/releases

Then unzip and run the resulting executable builder-win-0.17.b13.exe

This can create a desktop icon you can click on to run. Optionally, you can use GUIsliceBuilder\GUIslice.bat file to run.

LINUX install

Download the builder-linux-{arch}.{release}.{build}.tar.gz using operating system and cpu architecture (ie., linux-x64) from github GUIslice-Builder Releases: https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-Builder/releases

untar into your home directory.

Example: Open a terminal

cd $HOME
tar xvzf builder-linux-x64-0.17.b13.tgz

Then enter the new GUIsliceBuilder folder

cd GUIsliceBuilder

To run:


MACOS install

Download the builder-mac-{arch}.{release}.{build}.tar.gz using operating system and cpu architecture (ie., mac-aarch64) from github GUIslice-Builder Releases: https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-Builder/releases

untar into your home directory.

Example: Open a terminal

cd $HOME
tar xvzf builder-mac-aarch64-0.17.b13.tgz

Then enter the new GUIsliceBuilder folder

cd GUIsliceBuilder

To run:


WARNING The first time you run the builder on MACOS you are likely to encounter the Security Alert: You will need to select "Allow Anyway" to continue.

Release History

Bug Fixes for 0.17.b35

Pull Request 267 - Fix vertical line height always 1

Bug Fixes for 0.17.b34

Fix for problem saving and loading project options.

Enhancement for 0.17.b33

Drag and Drop of UI Elements from the RibbonBar is now supported. This allows you to place your UI pieces where you want them to appear.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

<p> Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Element and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button. </p> <p> The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID. </p> <p> For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide. </p>

Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Bug Fixes 0.17.b27

Enhancements for 0.17.b25

Added support for Arabic fonts using TFT_eFEX library.

Arabic Fonts require using TFT_eSPI SMOOTH_FONTS (.VLW extension) and this in turn needs eFontRefType = GSLC_FONTREF_FNAME and fontRefMode = GSLC_FONTREF_MODE_1.

WARNING To use Arabic or Hebrew .VLW Fonts you must currently use my forked version of GUIslice API pconti-arabic

The following fonts are shipped with the Builder inside GUIsliceBuilder/fonts/vlw/data:

Generated Code Example:

  // ------------------------------------------------
  // Load Fonts
  // ------------------------------------------------
//<Load_Fonts !Start!>
    if (!gslc_FontSet(&m_gui,E_CAIROBOLD16,GSLC_FONTREF_FNAME,CAIROBOLD16_VLW,16)) { return; }
    gslc_FontSetMode(&m_gui, E_CAIROBOLD16, GSLC_FONTREF_MODE_1);
//<Load_Fonts !End!>

Bug Fixes 0.17.b24

Enhancement for 0.17.b23

Removed edit->options tabs for Box, Text, and TextButton since now you should edit theme inside GUIsliceBuilder/templates guislice_themes.json If you understand json syntax you can add your own theme or simply edit the GUIslice version.

Bug Fix 0.17.b22

Bug Fix 0.17.b21

Bug Fixes 0.17.b20

Enhancements for 0.17.b19

The Builder has been updated to use Java 18 and FlatLaf 3.0.

<p> The UTF8? property on text fields has been removed since GUIslice API only supports this on a RaspberryPI. </p"

Bug Fixes 0.17.b19

Bug Fixes 0.17.b18

Enhancements for 0.17.b16

Bug Fixes 0.17.b15

Bug Fixes 0.17.b14

Bug Fixes 0.17.b13

Enhancements for 0.17.b12

<p> Added support for PlatformIO IDE issue `#117`. Users now select either Arduino IDE or PlatformIO IDE either inside the Project Options Tab and/or inside User Preferences by Edit->options->General tab->"Target IDE". The platformio.ini file will be populated with all settings needed for common configurations. The resulting project folder will be structured with a src, include, lib, and test subfolders. Instead of code named projectname.ino it will be named main.cpp. The projectname_GSLC.h file will be inside the project folder/includes. Further details on customizing the Builder for PlatformIO is available in the `User Guide Chapter 6 - Configuring PlatformIO Support`. </p> <p> The Code has been modified to better indicate your graphics library with the choices now being Adafruit_GFX, M5Stack, ILI9341_t3, TFT_eSPI, UTFT, or Linux. </p> <p> **WARNING** If you have added your own fonts by editing your builder_fonts.json file you will need to modify the newly suplied file with your edits and use the new format documented inside the updated User Guide. If you have any problems just post in the issue section. </p> <p> Users can now choose a color theme for their Applications written using GUIslice API. You can choose from the original GUIslice, Arc Dark, Cyan Light, Material Dark, or Solarized. You may modify these themes or add new ones. </p>

<p> Improved Font handling. The Builder will now identify fonts that come standard with a particular graphics package like Adafruit_GFX and if you request one that isn't provided the Builder will copy the font to your project folder. It will also cleanup during a new code generation any font files moved previously that are no longer in use. </p>

Improved Code Editing for those who add custom code to Button Callbacks. The code editing is provided by

Bug Fixes 0.17.b12

Enhancements for 0.17.b11

The Builder will now support Monochrome 1 bit images that are stored inside a C Array file created by my

GUIslice_Image2C utility

Note: you need version 2.00 or higher of GUIslice_Image2C for this feature.

<p>Added enhancement to SaveAs project. Previously the Builder simply created a new 'project name' folder and inside that a `new project name`.prj file. Now the Builder will copy all files (not *.bak or the gui_backup folder) in the original folder and scan the `old project name`.{ino,_GSLC.h} files and replace the string `old project name` with `new project name` while also renaming these files to the new project name. </p>

New Themes have been added to the Builder. For a full list go to: flatlaf-intellij-themes

Fix for Issue 200

<p> When the Buider is opened for the very first time a new empty project is created with a target platform of arduino. Previously if a User then went to edit->options->General tab just as the User Guide recommends and changes display screen size and platform target this new information wasn't being copied to the open project's Project Options Tab. Causing issue 200 where users would get compile errors due to generated code for Arduino not the actual target platform the user requested. </p>

Enhancements for 0.17.b10

<p> Users can now avoid auto-generated code within Text and Image Button callbacks and add their own code that will be inserted during each code generation. The new property is called `Custom Code` and is optional. This property, if used, will then make the properties `Jump Page ENUM`, `Popup Page Enum`, and `Hide Popup Page?` read-only. See the new User Guide 4.19 Text Button for example. </p>

Bug Fix 0.17.b09

Scaling was using incorrect ratio for y coordinates.

Enhancements for 0.17.b08

Scaling now supports scaling non-builtin (glcd) fonts (The glcd fonts are too far apart to scale,8,16,24,32). The Builder will now attempt to find a font that can scale to the correct ratio or the closest it can find. Nevertheless, Users may still need to manually change fonts.

Bug Fix 0.17.b08

Testing showed that the Line Element would cause crashes if scaled. This is now fixed.

Enhancements for 0.17.b07

<p> Added new scaling command in the layout tab to allow automatic updating of elements x,y,width and height due to TFT screen display change of size. Also, you can now change the Scrollbar width and thumb sizes for Listboxes and Textboxes. Our User Guide has been updated accordingly. </p>

Hot Fix 0.17.b06

Enhancements for 0.17.b05

Now supports saving the current project's zoom factor inside the *.prj file so it can be restored upon opening on the project file.

Hot Fix 0.17.b04

Enhancements for 0.17.b03

<p> NOTE: Sizing of a Text button using multiple lines of text is the users responsiblity. You will need to set the height and width manually. Ending each line inside the Label with "\n". Example, "line1\nline2\nline3". The Builder will remove each \n and replace with a decimal 10 (newline) when you press enter key. </p>

Hot Fix 0.17.b02

Yet another fix for critical Log4Shell vulnerability inside Apache Log4j. The vulnerability applies 2.0 to 2.15.0 of Apache Log4j.

Hot Fix 0.17.b01

Fix for critical Log4Shell vulnerability inside Apache Log4j. The vulnerability was publicly disclosed via GitHub on December 9, 2021. Versions 2.0 and 2.14.1 of Apache Log4j have been impacted.

Enhancements for 0.17.0

<p> GUIslice 0.17 added improved support for external inputs such as physical buttons, encoders or pins. Users can now traverse and edit most widgets in the GUI using external inputs. This feature required minor changes to Builder. Some elements now require a slightly larger margin around them (ie. 1px) to accommodate a potential focus frame. For example, between a slider and the listbox. </p> <p> Added support for UTFT library using Target Platform "utft". Full native font support for fonts downloaded from [UTFT Fonts](http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/r_fonts.php). Simply download and drop them into GUIsliceBuilder/fonts/utft. The Builder ships with the UTFT DefaultFonts (SmallFont, BigFont, and SevenSegNumFont) installed. See User Guide section 5.7 Adding Fonts for more details. </p>

Bug Fixes for 0.17.0

Enhancements for 0.16.0

<p> With this release the Builder becomes a true WYSIWYG editor for most platforms. The Builder now reads and parses your actual Platform Font header and c files and renders them inside the Builder. This native font support will now be able to give you accurate sizing and positioning information for supported fonts. Plus your text will be now displayed exactly as it will appear on your target TFT display. </p> <p> The Native Font support includes, Adafruit's Builtin GLCD fonts, and Adafruit's GFX compatable fonts, and Teensy ILI9341_t3 fonts. This Native Font support includes the ability to add your own fonts to the Builder simply by dropping them into the proper folders. You may also tell the Builder to simulate fonts it doesn't directly support. </p> <p> See the User Guide for more information about font handling and how to add your custom fonts. </p> <p> GUIslice API 0.16.0 has upgraded the Keypad support. This is a breaking change for the API so the Builder will now require running with GUIslice API 0.16.0 and higher. For further information on keypads refer to the wiki page [Custom KeyPads](https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice/wiki/Custom-KeyPads) </p>

The Builder has added support for ctrl-Z for Undo and ctrl-Y for Redo.

Bug Fixes for 0.16.b011

Enhancements 0.16.b010

Added support to group toggle buttons.

Bug Fixes for 0.16.b010

Enhancements 0.16.b009

Added support for Image Buttons to behave as a toggle button. Simply set Property View: Toggle? = true this will then use the new GUIslice API XToggleImgbtn control.

HotFix for 0.16.b009

HotFix for 0.16.b008

Enhancements 0.16.b007

Replaced Ribbon with a simplier design using JRibbonBar provided by Csekme KrisztiƔn. His github project is at: JRibbonBar

Hopefully this will fix the crashes and burns we have been having on Apple's OSX and various odd cursor behaviors that have occurred on different Linux platforms.

Also added two additional Themes: Solarized Dark and Light themes.

Our User Guide has been updated with the new UI layout.

Enhancements 0.16.b006

Added support for TFT_eSPI smoothfonts (*.vlw). Google's Dosis Bold and NotoSans Bold is built in.

You may add your own vlw fonts by following the updated User Guide chapter 5.7 Adding Fonts and Appendix G Creating VLW Fonts.

Bug Fixes 0.16.b006

HotFix for 0.16.b005

Enhancements for 0.16.b004

<p> Added CharacterMap dialog to "Text" propery fields for UIElements Text, Text Button, Text Input, Spinner, and Number Input. </p> <p> This feature will allow you access to graphics characters previousily hidden in Adafruit's classic (Builtin) fonts and other fonts. You can also access ISO8859 international characters using a newly added NotoLatin1 font. </p> <p> First set your desired font then invoke CharacterMap by right clicking on the "Text" property and selecting CharacterMap. Select your characters one at a time and then press copy to append them to your text field. </p>

The User Guide has been updated documenting this new feature.

<p> The UI Element Spinner has been upgraded to support changing the Increment and Decrement Arrow characters using the API call gslc_ElemXSpinnerSetChars(). </p>

Bug Fixes 0.16.b004

HotFix 0.16.b003

HotFix 0.16.b002

GUISlice crashing after clicking generate code issue #134

HotFix 0.16.b001

Bug Fixes 0.16.0