

CI Built with pwa-lit-template


Getting started | Build for production | Create a new page | Environment configuration | Service worker | Browser support

This project helps you to build Progressive Web Applications following the modern web standards, best practices and providing you with tools for that purpose. Out of the box, provides you with the following features:

Check out our roadmap to get informed of the latest features released and the upcoming ones.

Getting started


Furthermore, this project is built on TypeScript with the intention of improving the developer experience.

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the development server

This command serves the app at http://localhost:8000:

npm start

Project structure

├─ images/
├─ patches/
├─ server/
├─ src/
│  ├─ components/
│  │  ├─ app-index.ts
│  │  └─ ···
│  ├─ helpers/
│  │  ├─ page-element.ts
│  │  └─ ···
│  ├─ pages/
│  │  ├─ page-home.ts
│  │  └─ ···
│  ├─ router/
│  │  └─ routes.ts
│  └─ config.ts
├─ index.html
├─ manifest.webmanifest
├─ package.json
├─ robots.txt
├─ rollup.config.js
└─ tsconfig.json


Build for production

This command use Rollup to build an optimized version of the application for production:

npm run build

It has two outputs: in addition to outputting a regular build, it outputs a legacy build which is compatible with older browsers down to IE11.

At runtime it is determined which version should be loaded, so that legacy browsers don't force to ship more and slower code to most users on modern browsers.

Note: If you need to add static files to the build, like the images folder or the manifest.webmanifest, you should register them in the copy() plugin of the rollup.config.js.

Create a new page

  1. Create the new page component (extending from PageElement helper) in the pages folder. For example a page-explore.ts.

    import { html } from 'lit';
    import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';
    import { PageElement } from '../helpers/page-element.js';
    export class PageExplore extends PageElement {
      render() {
        return html`
          <p>My new explore page!</p>
      meta() {
        return {
          title: 'Explore',
          description: 'Explore page description',
  2. Register the new route in the routes.ts:

      path: '/explore',
      name: 'explore',
      component: 'page-explore',
      action: async () => {
        await import('../pages/page-explore.js');

With SEO in mind, this project offers you the PageElement base class to help you to deal with it; it has a meta() method that edits the HTML meta tags of the specific page. You must override that method to provide the data.

Environment configuration

This project allows different configurations per environment. The file that manages that configuration is src/config.ts. If you are interested in overwrite any of the configuration variables depending of the environment, you can create a file following the rule src/config.{NODE_ENV}.ts. Take into account that you don't need to replicate all the variables, just change the variable that you need to be different this way:

import config from './config.js';

export default {
  environment: 'staging',

In the build process the references in the project (but not in the configuration files) of ./config will be replaced to ./config.{NODE_ENV} loading the expected configuration file for the target environment.

Lastly, the way to use that configuration is quite simple. You only need to import it:

import config from '../config.js';

And use it where you need it:

render() {
  return html`
      <span>Environment: ${config.environment}</span>

Service worker

This project has configured the generation and injection of a service worker in the build process. But it is disabled by default. To enable it you just need to change the variable GENERATE_SERVICE_WORKER in the rollup.config.js to true.

Also you can change the Workbox configuration too modifying the variable workboxConfig in that same file.

Browser support

To run on other browsers, you need to use a combination of polyfills and transpilation. This step is automated by the build for production command.