


IBM Cloud Stencils

NOTE: If you are an IBM employee, please go to the internal repo

Create IBM Cloud diagrams using Draw.io tool with IBM Cloud Architecture Stencils.

This repo is intended to provide IBM Cloud Architecture icons for external customers and business partners. IBM Cloud's approved design tool is Draw.io, however we have also provided Powerpoint (.ppt) and SVG (.svg) files for your convenience.

This repository is an interim source to obtain the icons.

Quick Start

To get IBM Cloud architecture stencils and start sketching diagrams with draw.io tool, follow the steps in this section:

1. Download desktop draw.io application in the jgraph drawio official repo.

2. Select one of the following to get stencils:

<details><summary>Saving All-in-one in computer - Github not required</summary>
  1. Go to the all-in-one online file by clicking here

  2. Hit the Raw button

  3. Save file by right-clicking and selecting Save Page As

  4. Select a directory to save file.

  5. Open draw.io desktop application.

  6. In the upper left-hand menu, go to File > Open Library and navigate to the folder where you previously saved the All-in-one xml file in your computer, hit Open.

  7. Go to Step 3

</details> <details><summary>Using Github Repo Clone</summary>

Clone this repo and use one of the following options:


3. Sketch diagram using the imported stencil libraries in the left-hand size of the drawio desktop app UI. All-in-one and standalone xmls include:

<details><summary>Click to see see library breakdown</summary>
Library TypeAll-in-oneStandalone
Library (draw.io) display namevX.Y.Z IBM All-In-OnevX.Y.Z IBM [brand/name] [category/name]
Library file nameibm_all_in_one.xmlibm_[brand/name]_[category/name].xml
Examplev2.1.1 IBM All-In-Onev2.1.1 IBM Cloud / Compute
Sorting (top to bottom)- Groups > A to Z <br> - Actors > A to Z <br> - Nodes > A to Z per category/color (e.g., compute, network, data)<br> - Connectors > Arbitrary <br> - Others > ArbitraryA to Z
</details> <details><summary>Click to see import example</summary>


4. f you are creating any custom color shapes or patterns, please follow guidance in Colors section.

5. Add legend and annotations (if applicable) to diagram. There is a legends helper library available with that name and also one included in the all-in-one file/library.

6. Once diagram is ready, export using the desired picture format (SVG is recommended).

Drawio (xml & drawio)

<details><summary>click here to expand</summary>


A new generation of stencils is currently being developed and getting ready for its native release in draw.io application. This is currently the recommended generation for sketching diagrams. In the meantime, (Static) Stencil libraries created, stored and maintained in this repo can be imported and used for sketching diagrams.

Getting drawio desktop application

Go to the jgraph drawio repo site to download the latest desktop draw.io application.

Stencil Index/Inventory

Several xml files are provided with groups of stencils, however, for convenience, an All-In-One xml (ibm_all_in_one.xml) file containing all shapes across categories is also provided and kept up to date under drawio/stencils/2.0.

Click here to open

Getting stencil libraries compatible with draw.io application

If you need to use 2.0 shapes compatible/importable with/in desktop drawio application, a static version of the stencils has been made available under drawio/stencils/2.0 in this repository. To import the libraries (.xmls), follow the instructions in the below tutorial or watch this video tutorial. Please keep in mind that when the libraries get updated (new, changed and deleted stencils) or new libraries get added/deleted, a release will be published in the repo.

2.0 Examples

<details><summary>IBM Kubernetes Service in a Classic Single-Region Multi-Zone environment using 2.0 stencils and latest connector standards</summary>

</details> <details><summary>IBM Kubernetes Service in a VPC Single-Region Multi-Zone environment using 2.0 stencils and latest connector standards</summary>

</details> <details><summary>IBM Red Hat OpenShift Service in a Classic Single-Region Multi-Zone environment using 2.0 stencils and latest connector standards</summary>

</details> <details><summary>IBM Red Hat OpenShift Service in a VPC Single-Region Multi-Zone environment using 2.0 stencils and latest connector standards</summary>


2.0 Templates

Find latest templates in drawio/templates/2.0.


PowerPoint (ppt)

<details><summary>click here to expand</summary>

Getting ppt instructions file and icons

Please find the IBM_IT Architecture diagrams kit_External file under ppt folder. For video tutorial with demo see video tutorial below.

Creating icons in ppt



Scalable Vector Graphics (svg)

<details><summary>click here to expand</summary>

Getting svg icons/files

Please find the SVG sfiles under svg folder.



Draw.io - Importing Stencil Libraries into Draw.io desktop tool step-by-step

<details><summary>Click here to expand</summary> <p>

This section provides instructions on how to import stencils published in this repository (available in this path drawio/stencils/2.0) into draw.io desktop application. Stencils/icons are added and grouped using libraries, the libraries can contain one or several stencils, these are saved and generated in XML format (.xml). To use these these custom libraries, they first must be imported in order to make them available in the draw.io utility/tool. Remember that only desktop drawio application (as opposed to the online counterpart)is authorized for IBM internal diagrams.

Import Guides

<details><summary>Import using Github Clone (Recommended)</summary> <p>


Option 1 - GitHub Desktop Instructions

<details><summary>Click here to expand</summary> </details>

Option 2 - GitHub CLI Instructions

<details><summary>Click here to expand</summary> </details>

Default configurations:

:exclamation: Important: stencils must be in reverse order in JSON to load in alphabetical order in drawio desktop.

</p> </details> <details><summary>Import using Download Zip</summary> <p>

</p> </details> </p> </details>

Tools & Conventions

<details><summary>Format & Layout</summary> <p>

IBM stencils / shapes can be of any of the following formats:

</p> </details> <details><summary>Colors</summary> <p>

Codes for the above colors correspond to the following primary color codes.

Fill colors are either white or the light color from the same color family as the corresponding primary color. For example, Cyan 50 is the primary color for Network and the corresponding fill color for a network group is either white or Cyan 10 for accessibility.

Nested container groups should alternate between white and light fill for accessibility.

If additional colors (not used in connectors or the above screenshot) are needed for customizing connector lines, adding non-standard background to boxes/groups and/or adding color to shapes outside the libraries, make sure to use the pre-approved colors listed here

<details><summary>Connectors</summary> <p>

Please see the Connectors file with draw.io format version of the picture above or import the IBM Connectors xml library.

</p> </details>

Help & Support

For additional help and support on how to use stencils and drawio, please open an issue.