

<p align="center"> <a href="https://gibbonedu.org/" target="_blank"><img width="200" src="https://gibbonedu.org/img/gibbon-logo.png"></a><br> Gibbon is a flexible, open source school management platform designed <br> to make life better for teachers, students, parents and schools. </p>

Gibbon Core

The Core repository represents the bulk of Gibbon, including all of its primary functionality. The core can be extended through the use of modules and themes, which are provided separately. See the Extend page for more info.

Gibbon is open source, and maintained for the benefit of teachers, students, parents and schools.


For full documentation, visit docs.gibbonedu.org.

Installation & Support

For installation instructions, visit Getting Started: Installing Gibbon

For support visit ask.gibbonedu.org or see our documentation.

Cutting Edge

If you want to run the latest version of Gibbon, prerelease, you can get the source from our GitHub repository. Remember, though, it is not stable, and you may lose data. This is not for the faint of heart.

For installation instructions, visit Getting Started: Installing Gibbon, and make sure to follow the additional instructions for Cutting Edge Code.


We welcome community contribution and aim to ensure Gibbon is an open and friendly environment. Information about contributing, submitting issues, and pull requests can be found in the following docs:


Gibbon is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. You can obtain a copy of the license here.