


GWT Java bindings for React Router


gwt-react-router provides Java GWT bindings based on the new JsInterop capabilities introduced in GWT 2.8 for react-router 2.4.1

This project depends on gwt-react

Consider this project a preview. The API is only partially complete at this point and is highly likely to change.

Getting Started

Please take a look at the gwt-react-examples project for details on how to use the library.

You can download the latest release .jar from Maven Central using the following coordinates:


Change log

5/02/20171.0.0Support React 16.3 and GWT 2.8.2
4/29/20170.5.0Update to GWT 2.8.1
3/18/20170.4.0Refactored to use more future proof ES6 styled stateful components and added Preact support
6/18/20160.3.0Support React Router 2.4.1 and GWT 2.8 final release
6/18/20160.2.0Update to use gwt-interop-utils library
5/25/20160.1.1Fix incorrect inherits
5/13/20160.1.0Initial preview release to Maven Central