


GWT Java bindings for React


gwt-react provides Java GWT bindings for React v16.3 based on the new JsInterop capabilities introduced in GWT 2.8 <br/> <br/> In addition, you can now use the same bindings with Preact v8.1


Any documentation assumes you are familiar with React. If this is not the case, please take the time to learn the basic concepts first. Check out the resources section for useful links.

You should also be familiar with the GWT 2.8 JsInterop specification. You can find the specification here.

Getting Started

Please take a look at the gwt-react-examples project for details on how to use the library.

You can download the latest release .jar from Maven Central using the following coordinates:


Check out the Documentation. There are a number of important concepts specific to gwt-react that may not be obvious, even if you are an experienced GWT developer.


Once the project is stable we will be happy to except pull requests. If you find any problems please file issues.


Change log

5/02/20171.0.0Support React 16.3 and GWT 2.8.2
4/29/20170.6.0Support React 15.5, Preact 8.1 and GWT 2.8.1
3/18/20170.5.0Refactored to use more future proof ES6 styled stateful components and added Preact support
10/28/20160.3.0Support react 15.3.2 and GWT 2.8 final release
6/18/20160.2.0Update to use gwt-interop-utils library
5/13/20160.1.0Initial preview release to Maven Central
