A collection of useful GitHub projects loosely categorised. I may end up adding non-GitHub projects + KB-style links for topics.
ODAT Oracle Database Attack Tool:
clusterd framework, attacking JBoss, CF, WebLogic, Tomcat, Railo, Axis2, Glassfish:
JexBoss - Jboss verify and EXploitation Tool:
The Backdoor Factory Proxy (BDFProxy):
CrackMapExec Windows/Active Directory swiss army knife:
beef-drive, beef framework with WebRTC:
VirtuaPlant Industrial Control Systems simulator:
Responder, LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authentication:
WSUSpect Proxy - a tool for MITM'ing insecure WSUS connections:
Potato, NTLM relay PrivEsc:
jdwp-shellifier (Java Debug Wire Protocol):
foxglovesec JavaUnserializeExploits:
KeeFarce, extraction of KeePass 2.x password database information from memory:
Wolves Among the Sheep, MD5 hash collision:
TDL (Turla Driver Loader). Driver loader for bypassing Windows x64 Driver Signature Enforcement:
Ebowla, framework for Making Environmental Keyed Payloads:
CVE-2016-1287 POC: IKEv1/v2 buffer overflow
SubTee, AllTheThings -> Includes 5 Known Application Whitelisting Bypass Techniques in One File:
IAT_POC, IAT based payload, that bypasses DEP/ASLR protections in EMET:
XRulez, Windows executable that can add malicious rules to Outlook:
BloodHound, Six Degrees of Domain Admin:
PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework:
PowerShellArsenal, PowerShell Module Dedicated to Reverse Engineering:
Empire, post-exploitation framework:
PowerShell Empire Web Interface using the REST API interface:
PowerShell live disk forensics platform:
KeeThief, methods for attacking KeePass 2.X databases, including extracting of encryption key material from memory:
mimikittenz, a post-exploitation powershell tool for extracting juicy info from memory:
Inveigh, LLMNR/NBNS spoofer/man-in-the-middle tool:
PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server:
PoshPrivilege, add/remove privileges to an account/group on a local machine as well as enabling or disabling existing privileges which are applied to a current user's process token:
Tater, PowerShell implementation of Hot Potato PrivEsc:
Powershell to CodeExecution and ProcessInjection:
PoshRat, PowerShell Reverse HTTP(s) Shell:
p0wnedShell, PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit:
PSAttack, a portable console aimed at making pentesting with PowerShell a little easier:
Babadook: Connection-less Powershell Persistent and Resilient Backdoor
ps1-toolkit, obfuscated penetration testing PowerShell scripts:
Windows 10 hardening:
Mechanical Phish framework for the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (@shellphish):
pwntools, CTF framework used by Gallopsled:
Awesome CTF, tool list:
32/64 bit Intel shellcode for CTF style exploitation:
preeny, payloads for binary patching:
Eh'Trace (pronounced ATrace) is a binary tracing tool for Windows:
flare-ida, IDA Pro scripts and plugins by the FireEye FLARE team:
HexRaysCodeXplorer, IDA plugin for better code navigation:
Qira, timeless debugger:
Binary Ninja Python:
Triton dynamic binary analysis framework:
angr binary analysis framework:
Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework:
Snowman Decompiler:
Pin unpacking and anti-evasion:
xortool, analyze multi-byte xor cipher:
flare-floss, FireEye Obfuscated String Solver:
FernFlower Java decompiler:
dbSypy, .NET assembly editor, decompiler, and debugger:
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler:
Robust ABC (ActionScript Bytecode) [Dis-]Assembler (RABCDAsm):
WinAFL, a fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries:
Gray Hat C#:
CTF write-ups by PPP:
CTFs -> CTF write-up's:
Modern Binary Exploitation RPISEC:
HeXA CTF Platform:
CTF scoreboard:
DefCon CTF VM:
GRR Rapid Response:
Viper, Binary analysis framework:
pafish, detect sandboxes and analysis environments in the same way as malware families do:
Course materials for Malware Analysis by RPISEC (2015):
APTnotes, various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns:
QuasarRAT (c#):
browsersploit, advanced browser exploit pack for doing internal and external pentesting:
HellKitty-In-VC Ring3 Rootkit:
PowerWorm, PowerShell-based malware:
Anti Sandbox and Anti Virtual Machine Tool:
JSDetox, JavaScript deobfuscation:
CapTipper, analyze, explore and revive HTTP malicious traffic: