Awesome Element
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->A curated list of Element projects
- zce/dashboard A dashboard scaffolding based on vue.js, inspired by vuejs-templates/webpack.
- A commercial real estate site selection platform built with vue.js, based on vuejs-templates/webpack.
- Next Generation API-first CMS built in Vue, Nuxt, and Element. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API.
- Cotabox A commercial platform for supply chain and B2B sell's.
- element-helper An Atom plugin providing document, autocomplete, snippets for Element
- vscode-element-helper An VSCode version of element-helper
- vue-element-ui-snippets An Atom plugin providing snippets for Element
- Element-UI-Snippets-ST A group of Sublime Text code snippets for Element-UI
- Element-UI-Snippets-VSCode A group of VS Code code snippets for Element-UI
- element-ui-scaffold Vue 2 with Element-UI CRUD scaffold/generator.
- element-ui-firebase-scaffold Vue 2, Element-UI and Firebase scaffold/generator with CRUDs, authentication, file/image upload, activity log and more.
- element-theme-default syntax analysis A syntax analysis on
- Element 源码分析 A blog series of Element code analysis
- element-color An element theme's color analysis and palette tool
- Tutorial Building a Library Management app with Vue, Firebase, Element-UI and Scaffoldhub
Vue CLI Plugins
- vue-cli-plugin-element Element plugin for vue-cli
- vue fullstack A
fullstack template to work withvue cli
- vueAdmin Admin template based on Vue 2.x and Element
- vue-ele-starter A simple Vue2 + Webpack2 + Element/Mint setup template for quick prototyping
- EleAdmin 饿了么前端搭建的配置化后台
- element-admin 一个支持 vue-cli、mock 接口的 Element UI 的后台模板
- Vue-Element-Starter - Robust, simple Vue starter with Element-UI
- vue-element-admin - A management system template
- vue-chart-stater-kit - Quick starter using Vue Router, Vue Chart, Element-UI
- Vue-Access-Control Frontend access control framework based Vue (Vue权限管理解决方案)
- laravel-template-with-vue Laravel template with Vue.js based on Element (Vue 与 Laravel 结合使用的前后端分离的开发模板)
- nuxt-element-apollo Nuxt + Element (with Custom Theme) + Apollo up to date.
- vue-data-tables vue2.0 datatables, based on element-ui, el-table + el-pagination + filter + sort
- TreeManager Tree 组件无限级分类管理扩展
- el-table-plus A high-level table component, integrating el-table and el-pagination of Element UI.
- el-search-table-pagination Combines Form, Table and Pagination components of Element UI together. Based on Vue 2.x. (Detail)
- element-ui-verify 对 Element 原本的校验方式做了一层封装,提升校验体验,非侵入式,完全不会影响你继续使用 Element 的原生校验
- el-form-renderer A Form Renderer 基于 Element 的表单渲染器,在完整继承 el-form 的基础上进行简单扩展,从而用户能够通过使用一段预设的数据渲染出一个完整的 element 表单
- el-payment-combo A simple payment combo input.
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