Manual Install
Copy the folder element-ui-snippets to the path directly:
- Mac: /Users/< your-user-name >/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/
- Windows: < your-installed-driver > :\Users\ < your-user-name > \AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\
Through Package Control
- Install Package Control
- Open Command Palette
- Type: Package Control: Install Package, and hit Enter
- Type: Element UI Snippets, and hit Enter
Special Instruction:
- For the components like
which need children components to be content, usev-for
to loop to generate the children components. - By default, there would be no auto-complete hints in .html file or the template part in .vue file. If you want it to be shown, you should change the sublime text settings by yourself. Here are the steps (Mac version for example):
- Select menu: Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings
- Make sure the value of the option
- In Preferences.sublime-settings--Users file, add this key-value:
"auto_complete_triggers": [ { "selector": "text.html", "characters": "l" } ],
Snippets List
- All the Element UI tags below, ignore the closure and more detailed information. Such as
, actually that represents<el-radio v-model="${1}" label="${2}">$3</el-radio>
- The sinppets' order follows the order of the components of Guide on Element UI official website basically. Supply extra General and Options parts.
- Totally 104 snippets. 9 of them are not implemented yet.
- Only work in .html or .vue file.
Basic Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elrow | <el-row> |
2. | elcol | <el-col> |
3. | elcon | <el-container> |
4. | elas | <el-aside> |
5. | elhe | <el-header> |
6. | elma | <el-main> |
7. | elfo | <el-footer> |
8. | elcb | #409EFF |
9. | elcs | #67C23A |
10. | elcw | #E6A23C |
11. | elcd | #F56C6C |
12. | elci | #909399 |
13. | TBD | #303133 |
14. | TBD | #606266 |
15. | TBD | #909399 |
16. | TBD | #C0C4CC |
17. | TBD | #DCDFE6 |
18. | TBD | #E4E7ED |
19. | TBD | #EBEEF5 |
20. | TBD | #F2F6FC |
21. | eltypo | font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,"PingFang SC","Hiragino Sans GB","Microsoft YaHei","微软雅黑",Arial,sans-serif; |
22. | elb | el-button |
Form Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elr | <el-radio> |
2. | elrg | <el-radio-group> |
3. | elc | <el-checkbox> |
4. | elcg | <el-checkbox-group> |
5. | eli | <el-input> |
6. | elit | <el-input type="textarea"> |
7. | elin | <el-input-number> |
8. | elsel | <el-select> |
9. | elop | <el-option> |
10. | elca | <el-cascader> |
11. | elsw | <el-swtich> |
12. | elsl | <el-slider> |
13. | eltp | <el-time-picker> |
14. | elts | <el-time-select> |
15. | eldp | <el-date-picker> |
16. | eldtp | <el-date-picker type="datetime"> |
17. | elu | <el-upload> |
18. | elra | <el-rate> |
19. | elcp | <el-color-picker> |
20. | eltr | <el-transfer> |
21. | elf | <el-form> |
22. | elfi | <el-form-item> |
Data Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elta | <el-table> |
2. | eltac | <el-table-column> |
3. | eltag | <el-tag> |
4. | eltags | <el-tag type="success"> |
5. | eltagi | <el-tag type="info"> |
6. | eltagw | <el-tag type="warning"> |
7. | eltagd | <el-tag type="danger"> |
8. | elpr | <el-progress> |
9. | elprc | <el-progress type="circle"> |
10. | eltree | <el-tree> |
11. | elpa | <el-pagination> |
12. | elba | <el-badge> |
Notice Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elal | <el-alert> |
2. | elals | <el-alert type="success"> |
3. | elali | <el-alert type="info"> |
4. | elalw | <el-alert type="warning"> |
5. | elale | <el-alert type="error"> |
6. | elloads | element-loading-* |
7. | elme | this.$message({}) |
8. | elmes | this.$message({type: 'success'}) |
9. | elmew | this.$message({type: 'warning'}) |
10. | elmee | this.$message({type: 'error'}) |
11. | elmei | this.$message({type: 'info'}) |
12. | elmebox | this.$msgbox({}) |
13. | elmeal | this.$alert({}) |
14. | elmecon | this.$confirm({}) |
15. | elmecons | this.$confirm({type: 'success'}) |
16. | elmeconw | this.$confirm({type: 'warning'}) |
17. | elmecone | this.$confirm({type: 'error'}) |
18. | elmeconi | this.$confirm({type: 'info'}) |
19. | elmepro | this.$prompt({}) |
20. | elnoti | this.$notify({}) |
21. | elnotis | this.$notify({type: 'success'}) |
22. | elnotiw | this.$notify({type: 'warning'}) |
23. | elnotie | this.$notify({type: 'error'}) |
24. | elnotii | this.$notify({type: 'info'}) |
25. | TODO | VNode for Message |
Navigation Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elmen | <el-menu> |
2. | elsubmen | <el-submenu> |
3. | elmeni | <el-menu-item> |
4. | eltabs | <el-tabs> |
5. | eltabp | <el-tab-pane> |
6. | elbr | <el-breadcrumb> |
7. | elbri | <el-breadcrumb-item> |
8. | eldr | <el-dropdown> |
9. | eldri | <el-dropdown-item> |
10. | elsts | <el-steps> |
11. | elst | <el-step> |
Others Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | eldi | <el-dialog> |
2. | elto | <el-tooltip> |
3. | elpop | <el-popover> |
4. | elcard | <el-card> |
5. | elcaro | <el-carousel> |
6. | elcaroi | <el-carousel-item> |
7. | elcolla | <el-collapse> |
8. | elcollai | <el-collapse-item> |
General Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | el | <el-*> |
2. | elic | <el-icon-*> |
Options Part
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elpos | positions |
2. | elanims | animation types |