Blazor Book Examples
This repo contains the examples from the Book Blazor: A Beginner's Guide A quick start guide to productivity with Blazor
At the 2017 Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) Summit I watched Steve Sanderson unveil his experimental framework to a room full of .NET developers. I watched the room fill with excitement and give rounds of standing applause. The excitement validated my own opinion that this was something .NET developers like myself have always wanted for the web. I wrote this book to help the .NET community quickly grasp what Blazor has to offer and share in the excitement we all felt at the MVP Summit.
Since that moment I have made many blog posts about the topic which have become outdated with each monthly release of Blazor. I have taken the best of those blog posts, reviewed, updated, and rewrote portions of them into the book along with a wealth of brand-new material. By compiling my best works into a single piece as an e-book, this single source of knowledge can be kept up to date with new releases.
What you'll find in the Free Blazor e-book:
- What is WebAssembly
- Component Basics
- Blazor Code Behind
- Data Binding
- JavaScript Interop
- Razor Class Libraries
- and much more...
What are people saying?
"it has great design, ninjas and tons of code - if you are looking for compelling read, there is not nothing better I can recommend" -Jon Galloway (Microsoft, Program Manager)
Quick Examples with Telerik REPL for Blazor
- Button Click, binding button events.
- WeatherForecast using HttpClient, displayed in a table element.
- WeeklyForecast using foreach in Razor to display a list of cards.
- WeatherDay, creating a component and repending it with foreach.
- Basic parameters, using parameters and one-way binding.
- Working with data, dynamically populate components based on a collection of data.
- Templates, using RenderFragment to create a template region.
- Event Handling, using EventCallback to create interactive components.
- Two-way binding, using data binding to convert inches to centimeters.
- JavaScript Interop, using JavaScript to access Geolocation APIs.
- Telerik Grid, using the Telerik UI for Blazor Grid to simplify development.
How do I get it
If you're interested in Blazor and would like to learn how to be productive in just a quick 120 page read, then get your free copy of the Blazor E-book from the link below.