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h5pp is a high-level C++17 interface for the HDF5 C library. With simplicity in mind, h5pp lets users store common C++ data types into portable binary HDF5 files.

Latest release


Go to examples to learn how to use h5pp.

Go to quickstart to see ways of installing h5pp.

Table of Contents


HDF5 is a portable file format for storing large datasets efficiently. HDF5 has official low-level API's for C and Fortran with wrappers for C++ and Java, and third-party bindings for Python, Julia, Matlab and many other languages. This makes HDF5 a great tool for handling data in a collaborative setting.

Although well documented, the low-level C API is vast and using it directly can be challenging. There are many high-level wrappers already that help the user experience, but as a matter of opinion, things could be even simpler.


h5pp is a high-level C++17 interface for the HDF5 C library which aims to be simple to use:



Write an std::vector

    #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>
    int main() {
        std::vector<double> v = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};    // Define a vector
        h5pp::File file("somePath/someFile.h5");    // Create a file 
        file.writeDataset(v, "myStdVector");        // Write the vector into a new dataset "myStdVector"

Read an std::vector

    #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>
    int main() {
        h5pp::File file("somePath/someFile.h5", h5pp::FileAccess::READWRITE);    // Open (or create) a file
        auto v = file.readDataset<std::vector<double>>("myStdVector");           // Read the dataset from file

Find more code examples in the examples directory.

Get h5pp

There are currently 3 ways to obtain h5pp:


Optional dependencies

NOTE: Logging works the same with or without Spdlog enabled. When Spdlog is * not* found, a hand-crafted logger is used in its place to give identical output but without any performance considerations (implemented with STL lists, strings and streams).


Read the instructions here or see installation examples under quickstart. Find a summary below.

Option 1: Install with Conan (Recommended)

Install and configure conan, then run the following command to install from conan center:

> conan install h5pp/1.11.2

Option 2: Install with CMake Presets

Git clone and use one of the bundled CMake Presets to configure and build the project. In this case we choose release-cmake to install all the dependencies using just CMake.

    git clone https://github.com/DavidAce/h5pp.git
    cd h5pp
    cmake --preset=release-cmake         # Configure. Optionally add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-dir>
    cmake --build --preset=release-cmake # Builds tests and examples. Optionally add --parallel=<num cores>
    cmake --install build/release-cmake  # Install to <install-dir> (default is ./install)
    ctest --preset=release-cmake         # Optionally run tests

Read more about h5pp CMake options in the documentation

Option 3: Copy the headers

h5pp is header-only. Copy the files under include to your project and then add #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>.

Read more about linking h5pp to its dependencies here


In no particular order