


This repository contains Docker images that can be used to set up Rodan locally for development. These images can also be used in the future with slight modifications for deployment to a swarm production environment. Please see the wiki for more information about deploying Rodan. Rodan Wiki


Quick Start

If you are working on Rodan or Rodan Jobs

If you are working on Rodan-Client

Tips for Interacting with Running Containers

The following commands may seem familiar to you if you have worked with Posix systems, or bash shells in general. Many of the commands that exist for docker, by just adding the prefix docker.

A similar concept to using exec is using SSH to connect to another computer. We use exec to connect to a specific container. It is much simpler to use docker compose exec, instead of the docker exec. Docker compose will search the configuration inside docker-compose.yml to know which service is being referenced. The format of the command works this way:

Consult the documentation of the Docker command line for additional information.

Automated Build

The images are rebuilt and pushed automatically on a nightly basis at 2am. This accomplished with a cron job. You must point the cron job to the nightly script on one of the staging virtual machines. Any account will do and no authentication required, add this line to the crontab. Docker hub will send a Slack notification if the image has built. We should expect 5 new images daily, or more if there was a new tagged release of any of them.

0 2 * * 1-5 /srv/webapps/rodan-docker/scripts/nightly

You may also force Docker Cloud to rebuild new images when new commits are pushed to a Git repository. Unfortunately, we had problems connecting the rodan-docker GitHub repository to Docker Cloud due to authentication issues, so we set up a private repository on Bitbucket instead.

Additional Information

For more information about volumes in Docker, see Use volumes in the Docker documentation. See also the docs for the volumes section of the docker-compose.yml file.