

<p align="center"> <h1 align="center"> 📝 NoteSH </h1> </p> <p align="center"> Fully functional sticky notes App in your Terminal! Built with <a href="https://github.com/Textualize/textual">Textual</a>, an amazing TUI framework! </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/Cvaniak/NoteSH"><img alt="" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cvaniak/NoteSH/master/documentation/NoteshApp.png" width="100%"></a> </p>

In last Update

Hoptex Usage


Best option to install is using pipx:

pipx install notesh
# but it is still possible to do it with just pip:
pip install notesh


To start using just type in your terminal:


it will create new file notes.json in current directory. You can also specify file by using -f flag:

notesh -f MyNotes.json
# or full/relative path
notesh -f ~/Documents/MyNotes.json

➕ Create new Note

New note

🧅 It supports layers


🗚 You can resize notes

Resize Notes

💡 And background is resizable

Resize Background

💡 Highlight when mouse is over

Resize Background

➕ New Drawable that support borders change

Resize Background

⌨️ Vim/Custom key bindings

You can now do everything using KEYBOARD! This is first version so if you have any suggestions please write them in existing issue.
Default keybindings are in default_bindings.toml file that is in root of installation.
You can also create second file user_bindings.toml where you can overwrite defaults.

What you can do

Bindings file

<details> <summary>Default file</summary>
# These are default, they also are displayed at the footer
quit = ["ctrl+q,ctrl+c", "Quit"]
toggle_sidebar_left = ["ctrl+e", "Sidebar Left"]
add_note = ["ctrl+a", "Create Stick Note"]
add_box = ["ctrl+x", "Create Box"]
save_notes = ["ctrl+s", "Save Notes"]
unfocus = ["escape", "Unfocus"]
"app.toggle_dark" = ["ctrl+t", "Dark/Light"]

# Default movement
left = "h"
right = "l"
up = "k"
down = "j"
# You can add number after _ and it will move note that many times
left_5 = "H"
right_5 = "L"
up_5 = "K"
down_5 = "J"

# there is only `next` and `previous` and the order is not changable yet
focus_next = "ctrl+i,ctrl+j"
focus_previous = "ctrl+o,ctrl+k"
unfocus = "escape"

edit = "i"
delete = "Q"
add_note = "o"
add_box = "O"

# For special characters like `+` or `<` you need to use names
# You can check the name using textual `textual keys`
h_plus = "greater_than_sign"
h_minus = "less_than_sign"
v_plus = "plus"
v_minus = "minus"

# It brings at the top or bottom the note
forward = "ctrl+f"
backward = "ctrl+b"

focus = "ctrl+n"
quit = "escape,ctrl+c"
unfocus = "escape,ctrl+c"

Change Background Color in Left Sidebar

By default you can use ctrl+e to open Left Sidebar:

New note



There are many thigs to add! If you have idea, please create Issue with your suggestions.

and also resolve problems:


Big thanks to Will McGugan and all members and contributors of Textualize.io! Go checkout Textual amazing TUI framework on which this app is based.