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Candidate Set Re-ranking for Composed Image Retrieval

The official implementation for Candidate Set Re-ranking for Composed Image Retrieval with Dual Multi-modal Encoder.

<sup>Site navigation > Introduction  |  Setting up  |  Usage  |  Recreating analysis plots  |  Citation </sup>

paper openreview arXiv License: MIT



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Our two-stage training pipeline is illustrated as follows.

Stage-I candidate filtering yields the top-K candidate list per query, which is then re-ranked in stage-II.

Here, stage-I is faster in inference, while stage-II is slower but much more discriminative.

<p align="center"> <img src="demo/main_method_v_hd_3_v1.png" height="600" alt="model architecture with two stage training"> </p> <details> <summary>Click to view the abstract</summary> &emsp; Composed image retrieval aims to find an image that best matches a given multi-modal user query consisting of a reference image and text pair. Existing methods commonly pre-compute image embeddings over the entire corpus and compare these to a reference image embedding modified by the query text at test time. Such a pipeline is very efficient at test time since fast vector distances can be used to evaluate candidates, but modifying the reference image embedding guided only by a short textual description can be difficult, especially independent of potential candidates. An alternative approach is to allow interactions between the query and every possible candidate, i.e., reference-text-candidate triplets, and pick the best from the entire set. Though this approach is more discriminative, for large-scale datasets the computational cost is prohibitive since pre-computation of candidate embeddings is no longer possible. We propose to combine the merits of both schemes using a two-stage model. Our first stage adopts the conventional vector distancing metric and performs a fast pruning among candidates. Meanwhile, our second stage employs a dual-encoder architecture, which effectively attends to the input triplet of reference-text-candidate and re-ranks the candidates. Both stages utilize a vision-and-language pre-trained network, which has proven beneficial for various downstream tasks.


Setting up

First, clone the repository to a desired location.

<details> <summary><b>Prerequisites</b></summary> &emsp;

The following commands will create a local anaconda environment with the necessary packages installed.

If you have worked with our previous codebase Bi-BLIP4CIR, you can directly use its environment, as the required packages are identical.

conda create -n cirr_dev -y python=3.8
conda activate cirr_dev
pip install -r requirements.txt

</details> <details> <summary><b>Datasets</b></summary> &emsp;

Experiments are conducted on two standard datasets -- Fashion-IQ and CIRR, please see their repositories for download instructions.

The downloaded file structure should look like this.

</details> <details> <summary><b>Optional:</b> Set up Comet</summary> &emsp;

We use Comet to log the experiments. If you are unfamiliar with it, see the quick start guide.

You will need to obtain an API Key for --api-key and create a personal workspace for --workspace.

If these arguments are not provided, the experiment will be logged only locally.


[!NOTE] Our code has been tested on torch 1.11.0 and 2.1.1. Presumably, any version in between shall be fine.

Modify requirements.txt to specify your specific wheel of PyTorch+CUDA versions.

Note that BLIP supports transformers<=4.25, otherwise errors will occur.


The entire training & validation process involves the following steps:


All experiments are conducted using one NVIDIA A100, in practice, we observe the maximum VRAM usage to be around 70G (CIRR, stage II training).

[!NOTE] To reproduce our reported results, please first download the checkpoints and top-k files and save them to paths noted in DOWNLOAD.md.

We provide all intermediate checkpoints and top-k files, so you could skip training steps and (for instance) develop directly on our Stage 2 model.

Recreating analysis plots

See this jupyter notebook on recreating Appendix A.4, Figure 8 in our paper.

<p align="center"> <img src="demo/figure_8.png" height="600" alt="figure_8_analysis_plot"> </p>

This figure demonstrates in detail the strength of the re-ranking stage (the indexes of positive targets are often brought forward significantly).

Note that the script requires the labels produced by the validation functions (func: compute_fiq_val_metrics | compute_cirr_val_metrics), which we have saved into .pt files and provided in the folder.


If you find this code useful for your research, please consider citing our work.

	title     = {Candidate Set Re-ranking for Composed Image Retrieval with Dual Multi-modal Encoder},
	author    = {Zheyuan Liu and Weixuan Sun and Damien Teney and Stephen Gould},
	journal   = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
	issn      = {2835-8856},
	year      = {2024},
	url       = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=fJAwemcvpL}

	author    = {Liu, Zheyuan and Sun, Weixuan and Hong, Yicong and Teney, Damien and Gould, Stephen},
	title     = {Bi-Directional Training for Composed Image Retrieval via Text Prompt Learning},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
	month     = {January},
	year      = {2024},
	pages     = {5753-5762}


MIT License applied. In line with licenses from Bi-BLIP4CIR, CLIP4Cir and BLIP.


Our implementation is based on Bi-BLIP4CIR, CLIP4Cir and BLIP.
