

<div align="center">

Composed Image Retrieval on Real-life Images

This repository contains the Composed Image Retrieval on Real-life images (CIRR) dataset.

For details please see our ICCV 2021 paper - Image Retrieval on Real-life Images with Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Models.

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arXiv arXiv


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Download CIRR Dataset

Our dataset is structured in a similar way as Fashion-IQ, an existing dataset on this task. The files include annotations, raw images, and the optional pre-extracted image features.


Obtain the annotations by:

# create a `data` folder at your desired location
mkdir data
cd data

# clone the cirr_dataset branch to the local data/cirr folder
git clone -b cirr_dataset git@github.com:Cuberick-Orion/CIRR.git cirr

The data/cirr folder contains all relevant annotations. The file structure is described below.

Raw Images

Updated June 2023 Recent methods of Composed Image Retrieval (and related tasks) often use raw images rather than our pre-extracted features. However, we are not at liberty to distribute these images as we source them from the NLVR2 dataset.

If you'd like to gain access, the first step would be to contact the NLVR team, instructions are here (they ask you to fill out a google form and agree to their terms of service).

You can also email us if, for any reason, you receive no response from the NLVR2 group.

[!IMPORTANT] The NLVR2 repository provides another way to obtain the images, which is to download the images by URLs. But we do not recommend it, as many of the links are broken, and the downloaded files lack the sub-folder structure in the /train folder.

Instead, please follow the above instruction to directly download the raw images.

Pre-extracted Image Features

The available types of image features are:

Each zip file we provide contains a folder of individual image feature files .pkl.

Once downloaded, unzip it into data/cirr/, following the file structure below.

Dataset File Structure

<details> <summary>The downloaded dataset should look like this (click to expand)</summary>
└─── cirr
    ├─── captions
    │        cap.VER.test1.json
    │        cap.VER.train.json
    │        cap.VER.val.json
    ├─── captions_ext
    │        cap.ext.VER.test1.json
    │        cap.ext.VER.train.json
    │        cap.ext.VER.val.json
    ├─── image_splits
    │        split.VER.test1.json
    │        split.VER.train.json
    │        split.VER.val.json
    ├─── img_raw  
    │    ├── train
    │    │    ├── 0 # sub-level folder structure inherited from NLVR2 (carries no special meaning in CIRR)
    │    │    │    <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │    │    <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │    │         ...
    │    │    ├── 1
    │    │    │    <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │    │    <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │    │         ...
    │    │    ├── 2
    │    │    │    <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │    │    <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │    └──       ...
    │    ├── dev         
    │    │      <IMG0_ID>.png
    │    │      <IMG1_ID>.png
    │    │           ...
    │    └── test1       
    │           <IMG0_ID>.png
    │           <IMG1_ID>.png
    │                ...
    ├─── img_feat_res152 
    │        <Same subfolder structure as above>
    └─── img_feat_frcnn         
             <Same subfolder structure as above>

Dataset File Description

Test-split Evaluation Server

We do not publish the ground truth for the test split of CIRR. Instead, an evaluation server is hosted here, should you prefer to publish results on the test-split. The functions of the test-split server will be incrementally updated.

See test-split server instructions.

The server is hosted independently at CECS ANU, so please email us if the site is down.



Please cite our paper if it helps your research:

    author    = {Liu, Zheyuan and Rodriguez-Opazo, Cristian and Teney, Damien and Gould, Stephen},
    title     = {Image Retrieval on Real-Life Images With Pre-Trained Vision-and-Language Models},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {2125-2134}


If you have any questions regarding our dataset, model, or publication, please create an issue in the project repository, or email us.