


GoDoc Build Status License: GPL v3

(forked from github.com/griesbacher/nagflux)

A connector which transforms performancedata from Nagios/Naemon/Icinga(2) to InfluxDB/Elasticsearch

Nagflux collects data from the NagiosSpoolfileFolder and adds informations from Livestatus. This data is sent to an InfluxDB, to get displayed by Grafana. Therefor is the tool Histou gives you the possibility to add Templates to Grafana.

Nagflux can be seen as the process_perfdata.pl script from PNP4Nagios.

The data storage is no restricted to InfluxDB, but can be any target which support the InfluxDB http Line Protocol. TCP and UDP servers are not supported. Ex. Victoriametrics and Telegraf work.

As they have no db concept, the check if the database exists is omitted if "db=x" is not found in the arguments. Additionally a custom health check url can be set. It not set the default is "/ping" from InfluxDB.


Nagflux only provides the timestamp in milliseconds.


Golang 1.22+


%> git clone https://github.com/ConSol-Monitoring/nagflux
%> cd nagflux
%> make

There should result in a nagflux binary.


Here are some of the important config-options:

mainNagiosSpoolfileFolderThis is the folder where nagios/icinga writes its spoolfiles. Icinga2: /var/spool/icinga2/perfdata
mainNagfluxSpoolfileFolderIn this folder you can dump files with InfluxDBs linequery syntax, the will be shipped to the InfluxDB, the timestamp has to be in ms
mainFieldSeperatorThis char is used to separate the logical parts of the tablenames. This char has to be an char which is not allowed in one of those: host-, servicename, command, perfdata
mainFileBufferSizeThis is the size of the buffer which is used to read files from disk, if you have huge checks or a lot of them you maybe recive error messages that your buffer is too small and that's the point to change it
LogMinSeverityINFO is default an enough for the most. DEBUG give you a lot more data but it's mostly just spamming
Influx "name"Version1.0 - for InfluxDB 0.9+ and 2.0 earlier versions<br>2.0 - for InfluxDB 2.0 or later versions
Influx "name"AddressThe URL of the InfluxDB-API
Influx "name"ArgumentsHere you can set your user name and password as well as the database. The precision has to be ms!<br> Organization & Bucket details required for InfluxDB 2.0 or later versions
Influx "name"AuthTokenInfluxDB API Token with required permissions
Influx "name"NastyString/NastyStringToReplaceThese keys are to avoid a bug in InfluxDB and should disappear when the bug is fixed
Influx "name"StopPullingDataIfDownThis is used to tell Nagflux, if this Influxdb is down to stop reading new data. That's useful if you're using spoolfiles. But if you're using gearman set this always to false because by default gearman will not buffer the data endlessly


If the configfile is in the same folder as the executable:



./nagflux -configPath=/path/to/config.gcfg



There are basically two ways for Nagflux to receive data:

Targets can be:

Dataflow Image


Nagflux is fully integrated in OMD-Labs, as well as Histou is. Therefor if you wanna try it out, it's maybe easier to install OMD-Labs.

Perfdata Template

Nagflux supports a couple of Perfdata templates (see main_test.go for some supported formats). By default it assumes you have the OMD formattemplate. If you are setting this up manually (not using OMD) please ensure your perfdata template is as follows:





If you are using Nagios the default templates will not work. Use the above templates with config host_perfdata_file_template and service_perfdata_file_template, respectively.


This Dockercontainer contains OMD and everything is preconfigured to use Nagflux/Histou/Grafana/InfluxDB: https://github.com/Griesbacher/docker-omd-grafana
