

Official Website


Main Functionality

Turbo Console Log extension makes debugging much easier by automating the operation of writing meaningful log message.


Since the extension is free and open source, we need your support to continue developing and maintaining it. If you are interested in sponsoring the project, u can do it through the following Link or contact us at sponsorship@turboconsolelog.io. For more information please visit: https://www.turboconsolelog.io/sponsorship

Core Features

Full documentation of the core features can be found in the official website: https://www.turboconsolelog.io/documentation/features

I) Insert a meaningful log message

Two steps:

The log message will be inserted in the next line relative to the selected variable like the following:

console.log('🚀 ~ classWrappingVariable ~ functionWrappingVariable ~ variable', variable);

The log function and the content of the log message can be customized in the extension settings (see Settings section for more details).

Multiple cursor selection is also supported.

<u>See It In Action</u>

II) Comment all log messages, inserted by the extension, from the current document

All it takes to comment all log messages, inserted by the extension, from the current document is to press alt + shift + c (Windows) or option + shift + c (Mac)

<u>See It In Action</u>

III) Uncomment all log messages, inserted by the extension, from the current document

All it takes to uncomment all log messages, inserted by the extension, from the current document is to press alt + shift + u (Windows) or option + shift + u (Mac)

<u>See It In Action</u>

IV) Delete all log messages, inserted by the extension, from the current document

All it takes to delete all log messages, inserted by the extension, from the current document is to press alt + shift + d (Windows) or option + shift + d (Mac)

<u>See It In Action</u>


Full documentation of the settings can be found in the official website: https://www.turboconsolelog.io/documentation/settings


Custom PrefixThe prefix of the log messagelogMessagePrefix🚀
Custom SuffixThe suffix of the log messagelogMessageSuffix:
Log TypeThe type of the log messagelogTypelog
Custom Log FunctionCustom log function to use in the inserted log message, when specified logType property will be ignoredlogFunctionconsole.log
Delimiter Inside MessageThe delimiter that will separate the different log message elements (file name, line number, class, function, and variable)delimiterInsideMessage~
QuoteDouble quotes ("") or single quotes ('')quote"
Add Semicolon In The EndWhether to put a semicolon at the end of the log message or notaddSemicolonInTheEndtrue
Insert Enclosing ClassWhether to insert or not the enclosing class of the selected variable in the log messageinsertEnclosingClasstrue
Insert Enclosing FunctionWhether to insert or not the enclosing function of the selected variable in the log messageinsertEnclosingFunctiontrue
Include File Name And Line NumberWhether to include the file name and the line number of the log messageincludeFileNameAndLineNumtrue
Wrap Log MessageWhether to wrap the log message or notwrapLogMessagetrue
Insert Empty Line Before Log MessageWhether to insert an empty line before the log message or notinsertEmptyLineBeforeLogMessagetrue
Insert Empty Line After Log MessageWhether to insert an empty line after the log message or notinsertEmptyLineAfterLogMessagetrue





Release Notes

See the <u>Changelog file</u> for details.


You're more than welcome to participate in the development of the extension by creating pull requests and submitting issues, link of the project in github: https://github.com/Chakroun-Anas/turbo-console-log


MIT Copyright © Turbo Console Log