<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href=""><img src="" alt="_CeleriumDemo" width="200"></a> <br> Celerium_PokeAPI <br> </h1>Buy me a coffee
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About The Project
The PokeAPI offers users the ability to extract data from Poke into third-party reporting tools and aims to abstract away the details of interacting with Poke's API endpoints in such a way that is consistent with PowerShell nomenclature. This gives system administrators and PowerShell developers a convenient and familiar way of using Poke's API to create documentation scripts, automation, and integrations.
- :book: Project documentation can be found on Github Pages
- :book: Poke's REST API documentation on their website here.
Poke features a REST API that makes use of common HTTP request methods. In order to maintain PowerShell best practices, only approved verbs are used.
- GET -> Get-
Additionally, PowerShell's verb-noun
nomenclature is respected. Each noun is prefixed with Poke
in an attempt to prevent naming problems.
For example, one might access the /pokemon/
endpoint by running the following PowerShell command with the appropriate parameters:
Get-PokePokemon -id 1
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
This module can be installed directly from the PowerShell Gallery with the following command:
Install-Module -Name PokeAPI
- :information_source: This module supports PowerShell 5.0+ and should work in PowerShell Core.
- :information_source: If you are running an older version of PowerShell, or if PowerShellGet is unavailable, you can manually download the main branch and place the PokeAPI folder into the (default)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
Project documentation can be found on Github Pages
- A full list of functions can be retrieved by running
Get-Command -Module PokeAPI
. - Help info and a list of parameters can be found by running
Get-Help <command name>
, such as:
Get-Help Get-PokePokemon
Get-Help Get-PokePokemon -Full
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
Initial Setup
After installing this module, you will need to configure the base URI that are used to talk with the Poke API.
- By default, Poke's
URI is used. - If you have your own API gateway or proxy, you may put in your own custom URI by specifying the
parameter:Add-PokeBaseURI -base_uri
- By default, Poke's
[optional] Run
- This will create a config file at
that holds the base uri information. - Next time you run
Import-Module -Name PokeAPI
, this configuration file will automatically be loaded.
- This will create a config file at
Calling an API resource is as simple as running Get-Poke<resourceName>
- The following is a table of supported functions and their corresponding API resources:
- Table entries with [
] indicate that the functionality is NOT supported by the Poke API at this time.
Category | EndpointUri | Method | Function |
berry | /berry/ | GET | Get-PokeBerry |
berry | /berry/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeBerry |
berry | /berry-firmness | GET | Get-PokeBerryFirmness |
berry | /berry-firmness/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeBerryFirmness |
berry | /berry-flavor/ | GET | Get-PokeBerryFlavor |
berry | /berry-flavor/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeBerryFlavor |
contest | /contest-type/ | GET | Get-PokeContestType |
contest | /contest-type/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeContestType |
contest | /contest-effect/ | GET | Get-PokeContestEffect |
contest | /contest-effect/{id}/ | GET | Get-PokeContestEffect |
contest | /super-contest-effect/ | GET | Get-PokeContestSuperEffect |
contest | /super-contest-effect/{id}/ | GET | Get-PokeContestSuperEffect |
encounter | /encounter-method/ | GET | Get-PokeEncounterMethod |
encounter | /encounter-method/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeEncounterMethod |
encounter | /encounter-condition/ | GET | Get-PokeEncounterCondition |
encounter | /encounter-condition/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeEncounterCondition |
encounter | /encounter-condition-value/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeEncounterConditionValue |
encounter | /encounter-condition-value/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeEncounterConditionValue |
evolution | /evolution-chain/ | GET | Get-PokeEvolutionChain |
evolution | /evolution-chain/{id}/ | GET | Get-PokeEvolutionChain |
evolution | /evolution-trigger/ | GET | Get-PokeEvolutionTrigger |
evolution | /evolution-trigger/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeEvolutionTrigger |
game | /generation/ | GET | Get-PokeGameGeneration |
game | /generation/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeGameGeneration |
game | /pokedex/ | GET | Get-PokeGamePokedex |
game | /pokedex/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeGamePokedex |
game | /version/ | GET | Get-PokeGameVersion |
game | /version/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeGameVersion |
game | /version-group/ | GET | Get-PokeGameVersionGroup |
game | /version-group/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeGameVersionGroup |
item | /item/ | GET | Get-PokeItem |
item | /item/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeItem |
item | /item-attribute/ | GET | Get-PokeItemAttribute |
item | /item-attribute/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeItemAttribute |
item | /item-category/ | GET | Get-PokeItemCategory |
item | /item-category/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeItemCategory |
item | /item-fling-effect/ | GET | Get-PokeItemFlingEffect |
item | /item-fling-effect/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeItemFlingEffect |
item | /item-pocket/ | GET | Get-PokeItemPocket |
item | /item-pocket/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeItemPocket |
location | /location/ | GET | Get-PokeLocation |
location | /location/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeLocation |
location | /location-area/ | GET | Get-PokeLocationArea |
location | /location-area/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeLocationArea |
location | /pal-park-area/ | GET | Get-PokeLocationPalParkArea |
location | /pal-park-area/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeLocationPalParkArea |
location | /region/ | GET | Get-PokeLocationRegion |
location | /region/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeLocationRegion |
machine | /machine/ | GET | Get-PokeMachine |
machine | /machine/{id}/ | GET | Get-PokeMachine |
move | /move/ | GET | Get-PokeMove |
move | /move/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMove |
move | /move-ailment/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveAilment |
move | /move-ailment/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveAilment |
move | /move-battle-style/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveBattleStyle |
move | /move-battle-style/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveBattleStyle |
move | /move-category/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveCategory |
move | /move-category/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveCategory |
move | /move-damage-class/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveDamageClass |
move | /move-damage-class/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveDamageClass |
move | /move-learn-method/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveLearnMethod |
move | /move-learn-method/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveLearnMethod |
move | /move-target/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveTarget |
move | /move-target/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeMoveTarget |
pokemon | /ability/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonAbility |
pokemon | /ability/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonAbility |
pokemon | /characteristic/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonCharacteristic |
pokemon | /characteristic/{id}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonCharacteristic |
pokemon | /egg-group/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonEggGroup |
pokemon | /egg-group/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonEggGroup |
pokemon | /gender/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonGender |
pokemon | /gender/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonGender |
pokemon | /growth-rate/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonGrowthRate |
pokemon | /growth-rate/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonGrowthRate |
pokemon | /nature/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonNature |
pokemon | /nature/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonNature |
pokemon | /pokeathlon-stat/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonPokeathlonStat |
pokemon | /pokeathlon-stat/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonPokeathlonStat |
pokemon | /pokemon/ | GET | Get-PokePokemon |
pokemon | /pokemon/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemon |
pokemon | /pokemon/{id or name}/encounters | GET | Get-PokePokemonEncounter |
pokemon | /pokemon-color/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonColor |
pokemon | /pokemon-color/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonColor |
pokemon | /pokemon-form/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonForm |
pokemon | /pokemon-form/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonForm |
pokemon | /pokemon-habitat/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonHabitat |
pokemon | /pokemon-habitat/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonHabitat |
pokemon | /pokemon-shape/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonShape |
pokemon | /pokemon-shape/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonShape |
pokemon | /pokemon-species/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonSpecies |
pokemon | /pokemon-species/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonSpecies |
pokemon | /stat/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonStat |
pokemon | /stat/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonStat |
pokemon | /type/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonType |
pokemon | /type/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokePokemonType |
utility | /language/ | GET | Get-PokeLanguage |
utility | /language/{id or name}/ | GET | Get-PokeLanguage |
utility | / | GET | Get-PokeEndpoint |
Each Get-Poke*
function will respond with the raw data that Poke's API provides.
- Add Changelog
- Build more robust Pester & ScriptAnalyzer tests
- Figure out how to do CI & PowerShell gallery automation
- Add example scripts & automation
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>Contributing
Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
See the CONTRIBUTING guide for more information about contributing.
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>License
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
<div align="left"> <p align="left"> · <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a> · <a href="mailto:">Email</a> · <a href="" target="_blank">Reddit</a> · </p> </div> <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>Acknowledgments
Big thank you to the following people and services as they have provided me with lots of helpful information as I continue this project!
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