

<p align="center"> <img width=500" src="http://www.bywalks.com/image/darkangel.png"><br><br> <a href="https://github.com/Bywalks/DarkAngel/stargazers"><img alt="GitHub stars" src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Bywalks/DarkAngel"/></a> <a href="https://github.com/Bywalks/DarkAngel/blob/main/LICENSE"><img alt="License" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/MIT-License-blue.svg"/></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet/?text=Fully%20automatic%20white%20hat%20vulnerability%20reward%20scanner,%20from%20hacker%20and%20bugcrowd%20asset%20monitoring%20to%20vulnerability%20report%20generation%20and%20enterprise%20WeChat%20notification.%20https://github.com/Bywalks/DarkAngel%20%23scanner%20%23cybersecurity%20%23bugbounty%20%23infosec%20%23pentest"><img alt="tweet" src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/url?url=https://github.com/Bywalks/DarkAngel" /></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/Bywalkss"><img alt="Twitter" src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/Bywalkss?label=Followers&style=social" /></a> <a href="https://github.com/Bywalks"><img alt="Github" src="https://img.shields.io/github/followers/Bywalks?style=social" /></a><br></br> English | <a href="README_CN.md">中文</a> </p>

DarkAngel is a fully automatic white hat vulnerability scanner, which can monitor hacker and bugcrowd assets, generate vulnerability reports, screen capture of vulnerability URL, and send message notifications.

DarkAngel download address:github.com/Bywalks/DarkAngel

Currently supported features:

Automatically generate vulnerability reports

Welcome to submit some vulnerability templates to this project

Automatically generate vulnerability report - MarkDown format - storage address/root/DarkAngel/vulscan/results/report

Support for self adding vulnerability report templates. Currently, vulnerability report templates have been added as follows. The vulnerability name can be configured as the file name of the nuclei template

Custom vulnerability report template format

Scan message notification

Telegram notification

You can view how to obtain the configuration first:TG Configuration Tutorial

After obtaining the parameters, configure the parameters in /root/markup/vconfig/config.ini to enable enterprise TG notifications

TG Notification - Vulnerability Results

TG notification - scanning process

Enterprise WeChat notification

You can view how to obtain the configuration first:Enterprise WeChat development interface document

After obtaining the parameters, configure the parameters in /root/markup/vconfig/config.ini to enable enterprise WeChat notifications

WeChat Notification - Vulnerability Results

WeChat notification - scanning process


The overall project architecture is ES+Kibana+scanner, so the installation requires three parts

ES image:

Pull ES image
docker pull bywalkss/darkangel:es7.9.3

Deploy ES image
docker run -e ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xms1024m" -e "discovery.type=single-node" -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch elasticsearch:7.9.3

view log
docker logs -f elasticsearch

If there is a problem, execute the command
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Restart Docker
docker restart elasticsearch

Kibana image:

Pull Kibana image
docker pull bywalkss/darkangel:kibana7.9.3

Deploy Kibana image (modify the es ip)
docker run --name kibana -e ELASTICSEARCH_ URL= http://es-ip:9200 -p 5601:5601 -d docker.io/bywalkss/darkangel:kibana7.9.3

view log
docker logs -f kibana

If there is a problem, execute the command
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Restart Docker
docker start kibana

Scanner image:

Pull Scanner Image
docker pull bywalkss/darkangel:v0.0.5

Deployment Scanner
docker run -it -d -v /root/DarkAngel:/root/DarkAngel --name darkangel bywalkss/darkangel:v0.0.5

Enter the scanner docker
docker exec -it docker_id /bin/bash

Enter the root directory
cd root

Download source code
git clone https://github.com/Bywalks/DarkAngel.git

Add execution permissions
chmod 777 /root/DarkAngel/vulscan/tools/*
chmod 777 /root/DarkAngel/vulscan/tools/whatweb/*

You can use it after into the DarkAngel directory

The directory mounted in the docker container does not have permission: Solution 1. When running the container: --privileged=true; Solution 2. The host runs the command: setenforce 0


usage: darkangel.py [-h] [--add-new-domain]
                    [--scan-domain-by-time SCAN_DOMAIN_BY_TIME SCAN_DOMAIN_BY_TIME]
                    [--add-domain-and-scan ADD_DOMAIN_AND_SCAN [ADD_DOMAIN_AND_SCAN ...]]
                    [--offer-bounty {yes,no}] [--nuclei-file-scan]
                    [--nuclei-file-scan-by-new-temp NUCLEI_FILE_SCAN_BY_NEW_TEMP]
                    [--nuclei-file-scan-by-new-add-temp NUCLEI_FILE_SCAN_BY_NEW_ADD_TEMP]
                    [--nuclei-file-scan-by-temp-name NUCLEI_FILE_SCAN_BY_TEMP_NAME]

DarkAngel is a white hat scanner. Every user makes the Internet more secure.


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --add-new-domain      add new domain from h1 and bc
                        scan h1 and bc domain by launched time
  --scan-new-domain     add and scan new domain from h1 and bc
  --add-domain-and-scan ADD_DOMAIN_AND_SCAN [ADD_DOMAIN_AND_SCAN ...]
                        add and scan new domain self added
  --offer-bounty {yes,no}
                        set add domain is bounty or no bounty
  --nuclei-file-scan    scan new domain from h1 and bc
  --nuclei-file-scan-by-new-temp NUCLEI_FILE_SCAN_BY_NEW_TEMP
                        use new template scan five file by nuclei
  --nuclei-file-scan-by-new-add-temp NUCLEI_FILE_SCAN_BY_NEW_ADD_TEMP
                        add new template scan five file by nuclei
  --nuclei-file-scan-by-temp-name NUCLEI_FILE_SCAN_BY_TEMP_NAME
                        use template scan five file by nuclei
                        five file polling scan by nuclei


$ python3 darkangel.py --add-new-domain


$ python3 darkangel.py --scan-domain-by-time begin-time end-time


$ python3 darkangel.py --scan-new-domain


$ python3 darkangel.py --add-domain-and-scan program-file-name1 program-file-name2 --offer-bounty yes/no

-Customized addition of scanning domain names and vulnerability scanning of these domain names -The file name is the name of the manufacturer, and the file memory needs to scan the domain name -The --offer-bounty parameter is required to set whether the domain name provides reward

After scanning, the subdomain name results will be stored in the /root/DarkAngel/vulscan/results/urls directory,They are stored in the,bounty_temp_urls_output.txt、nobounty_temp_urls_output.txt In document


$ python3 darkangel.py --nuclei-file-scan

URL list storage location


$ python3 darkangel.py --nuclei-file-polling-scan


$ python3 darkangel.py --nuclei-file-scan-by-new-temp nuclei-template-version

The current nuclear template version is 9.3.1

Execute the command to monitor the 9.3.2 version update

Enterprise WeChat notification

URL list storage location


$ python3 darkangel.py --nuclei-file-scan-by-new-add-temp nuclei-template-id

Check the ID of the single template of Nuclei, which is 6296 here

Execute the command to scan the template

URL list storage location


$ python3 darkangel.py --nuclei-file-scan-by-temp-name nuclei-template-name

Result display

Front end scanning manufacturer

Front end - scan domain name

Front End - Scan Results

TG Notification - Vulnerability Results

TG Notification - Scanning Process

WeChat Notification - Scanning Process

WeChat Notification - Vulnerability Results

Feedback and contribution code

First of all, thank you for taking the time to make DarkAngel better 👍

Bug feedback, suggestions and vulnerability template submission, your Github ID will be disclosed in the following thanks list:


Bug feedback

Please submit the current DarkAngel error message or screenshot in GitHub Issues, and describe your replication steps in detail.

Function suggestions

In GitHub Discussions, you can speak freely and discuss the functions you want with the developers.

Vulnerability template submission

Welcome to submit vulnerability templates in GitHub Discussions. Open source projects require everyone's contribution.

Recent Updates

[v0.0.9] - 2023-05-28


[v0.0.8] - 2023-02-26


[v0.0.7] - 2023-02-20


[v0.0.6] - 2023-02-15


[v0.0.5] - 2023-02-09


[v0.0.4] - 2023-02-07


[v0.0.3] - 2023-01-17


[v0.0.2] - 2022-12-27


[v0.0.1] - 2022-12-12



<div align=center><a href="https://github.com/bywalks"><img src="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=Bywalks/DarkAngel&type=Timeline"></a></div>

Matters needing attention