


https://github.com/Brooooooklyn/blake-hash/actions Install size

Node.js binding for https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3. High performance, and no postinstall scripts.

Support matrix

Windows x64
Windows x32
Windows arm64
macOS x64
macOS arm64
Linux x64 gnu
Linux x64 musl
Linux arm gnu
Linux arm64 gnu
Linux arm64 musl
Android arm64
Android armv7
FreeBSD x64


Support blake2b blake2bp blake2s blake2sp algorithm.

Unkeyed Hash

import { Blake2BHasher } from '@napi-rs/blake-hash'

const hasher = new Blake2BHasher()
hasher.update('content to be hash')
hasher.digest('hex') // could also be `base64` or `url-safe-base64`

Keyed Hash

import { Blake2BHasher, Blake2BParam } from '@napi-rs/blake-hash'

const hashParams = new Blake2BParam()
const hash = Blake2BHasher.withParams(hashParams)

hash.update('your secret')



Default hash function

import { blake3 } from '@napi-rs/blake-hash'

blake3('hello') //ea8f163db38682925e4491c5e58d4bb3506ef8c14eb78a86e908c5624a67200f


import { Blake3Hasher } from '@napi-rs/blake-hash'

const hasher = new Blake3Hasher()
hasher.digest('hex') // ea8f163db38682925e4491c5e58d4bb3506ef8c14eb78a86e908c5624a67200f


Full documentation: https://docs.rs/blake3/latest/blake3/fn.keyed_hash.html

import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'

import { Blake3Hasher } from '@napi-rs/blake-hash'

const hasher = Blake3Hasher.newKeyed(randomBytes(32)) // The key must be 32 bytes
hasher.digest('hex') // 9e8e05888735e59036c1ec66938f5bdb2b3933ce647918b739c23b699f1431a3


Full documentation: https://docs.rs/blake3/latest/blake3/fn.derive_key.html

The key derivation function.

Given cryptographic key material of any length and a context string of any length, this function outputs a 32-byte derived subkey. The context string should be hardcoded, globally unique, and application-specific. A good default format for such strings is "[application] [commit timestamp] [purpose]", e.g., "example.com 2019-12-25 16:18:03 session tokens v1".

Key derivation is important when you want to use the same key in multiple algorithms or use cases. Using the same key with different cryptographic algorithms is generally forbidden, and deriving a separate subkey for each use case protects you from bad interactions. Derived keys also mitigate the damage from one part of your application accidentally leaking its key.

As a rare exception to that general rule, however, it is possible to use derive_key itself with key material that you are already using with another algorithm. You might need to do this if you're adding features to an existing application, which does not yet use key derivation internally.

However, you still must not share key material with algorithms that forbid key reuse entirely, like a one-time pad. For more on this, see sections 6.2 and 7.8 of the BLAKE3 paper.

Note that BLAKE3 is not a password hash, and derive_key should never be used with passwords. Instead, use a dedicated password hash like Argon2. Password hashes are entirely different from generic hash functions, with opposite design requirements.

import { Blake3Hasher } from '@napi-rs/blake-hash'

const context = 'BLAKE3 2021-11-10 12:13:59 example context'

const hasher = Blake3Hasher.newDeriveKey(context)
hasher.digest('hex') // e186adf36b0c4e421b2baa881e158a4b3b074626882a6e1dfb231aebb7e149ee


Compare with blake3 and blake2.

Benchmark results were generated from GitHub Codespaces.

Running "digest big file blake2b" suite...
Progress: 100%

    1 251 ops/s, ±0.49%   | fastest

    626 ops/s, ±2.11%     | slowest, 49.96% slower

Finished 2 cases!
  Fastest: blake2b-napi
  Slowest: blake2b-c++
Running "digest big file blake2s" suite...
Progress: 100%

    745 ops/s, ±0.47%   | fastest

    604 ops/s, ±0.56%   | slowest, 18.93% slower

Finished 2 cases!
  Fastest: blake2s-napi
  Slowest: blake2s-c++
Running "digest big file blake3" suite...
Progress: 100%

    6 747 ops/s, ±0.90%   | fastest

    6 669 ops/s, ±1.04%   | slowest, 1.16% slower

Finished 2 cases!
  Fastest: blake3-napi
  Slowest: blake3-neon

Other implementations