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listFix() - Playlist Repair Done Right

Have you ever spent some time making a playlist, only to have it break when you reorganize your files? listFix() is a Swing application that solves this problem by finding the lost or missing entries in your playlists automatically. Tell it where you keep your media files, load in the playlist you want to fix, and hit the locate button. The program will search your media library for the file and update the playlist accordingly when it finds a match.

If a few files are still missing, they were probably renamed. listFix() has a way of finding these files as well, by scoring the files in your media library with a "similarity" test and offering you a choice of the best potential matches, pre-selecting the matches it deems "best".


listFix is cloned from sourceforge.net using a reposurgeon based script.



Run the application

From the command line:

java -jar listFix-2.7.0-all.jar


Build project

In project folder, run:

gradlew build

Run application

In project folder, run:

gradlew run

Build Windows distribution

In project folder, run:

gradlew jpackage

Build Windows installer

Requires to be build with OpenJDK JDK 15 Project. It may work with other, but the executable did not work building with Amazon Corretto 17.

You must install Inno Setup (iscc) to generate an EXE installer and WIX Toolset (candle and light) to generate an MSI file. as explained in the JavaPackager: Windows tools installation guide

Download and install WiX Toolset.

A quick way to do that is run the following from cmd shell which is run as administrator:

@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
choco install -y innosetup wixtoolset

You need to add the Wix binary path (something like C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin) to your PATH environment variable.

In project folder, run:

gradlew packageMyApp

File locations

FileWindows pathLinux path
Application configuration%USERPROFILE%\.listFix()\options.json$HOME/.listFix()/options.json
Cached media library paths%USERPROFILE%\.listFix()\mediaLibrary.json$HOME/.listFix()/mediaLibrary.json
Which playlist to open%USERPROFILE%\.listFix()\history.json $HOME/.listFix()/history.json

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