

This is a containerized stack for Appleseed Search Platform ( part of the Appleseed Framework ).

#Quickstart :#

Assuming you have docker-machine, docker, and docker-compose installed properly. You can get this stack running in about an minute or less.

##Search Platform Internal Components :##

Other than the components which are part of the Search stack, this stack leverages out of the box containers that are widely available.

##Search Platform External Components :##

###Indexes (Solr, Elastic, Lucene)###

###Web App ###


Databases / Queues

This stack's design was informed by Docker best practices and by other projects such as php-boilerplate-docker , ckan-docker , dotnet-nginx-kestrel Though it uses third party dockers, each dependent docker can be configured docker/ directory. Developers / administrators should not have to do much or any configuration in code.