

CloudWatch RDS Custom Metrics

Found at: https://github.com/AndrewFarley/serverless-cloudwatch-rds-custom-metrics



  1. Collect custom metric (querying data) from an RDS server and push those metrics into CloudWatch Metrics regularly.
  2. Doing this without having to have a server via AWS Lambda and Serverless.
  3. Able to use the custom metrics for creating dashboards to view current and hisorical data easily (see usage examples)
  4. Able to use the custom metrics to trigger CloudWatch Alarms and AWS AutoScaling actions.



Serverless.yml VPC Configuration

Gather MySQL Stats Configuration

Gather MySQL Stats First Run Screenshot

Custom RDS Metrics in Cloudwatch

Usage Examples

Custom Metric Alarms in Cloudwatch

Custom Metrics in Grafana


Q: Why did you do this / what is this for?

A: Ever since AWS extended its CloudWatch Metrics to allow for storing 15 months of historical data since November 2016 it has removed the need to maintain an additional monitoring system for AWS-based infrastructures for historical data (such as Zabbix/Nagios/Icinga/etc). And in that paradigm without a physical server that runs our monitoring software, you may not have a non-dynamic server to run custom metrics collection on. Leveraging Amazon's serverless technologies via Lambda and CloudWatch Events allows us to still gather custom metrics and trigger alarms about subsystem failures and deliver high quality dashboards for ourselves and our clients.

Q: Why do you have two Lambdas instead of just one?

A: Unless you pay for the NAT Gateway service, or you setup your own NAT Gateway and setup the routes for it, Lambdas inside a VPC can not get "out" and they can not communicate with services like CloudWatch. This dual-lambda system was designed to work around that limitation, one Lambda is in the VPC (the MySQL one) and one is not (the one that reports to Cloudwatch), with one lambda calling the other asynchronously and waiting for it to return with data. If you are paying for or have a NAT gateway setup you could fairly easily integrate these two scripts yourself, it should be fairly trivial.

Q: What does all this cost? Doesn't it cost a lot to run this lambda every minute?

A: Lambda is extremely cheap especially if you keep the RAM size down, and the runtime down, which we are doing for both. The RAM for the Lambda is set to 128 (the smallest) and the runtime in my two installations of this software is 100ms each. Since there are two Lambdas, this works out to 86400 100ms 128MB Lambda executions (60 min * 24 hour * 30 days * 2 lambdas). Using the lambda pricing calculator calculator, this works out to around $0.04/mo not including some minor data transfer fees. The larger cost is actually every custom CloudWatch metric costs $0.50, and every CloudWatch Alarm you create costs $0.10/mo. The piece here that costs is the metrics really, not the alarms or Lambdas. But compared to running your own server or cluster of servers to maintain this monitoring and historical information will typically be well over the cost of paying for a handful of CloudWatch metrics.

REMINDER Make sure to keep the queries you run in this extremely slim so you don't lock up your database or cause unnecessary load. Ideally you should profile (explain analyze) every query you put into this tool to ensure minimal runtime and minimal impact.

Todo List / Known Bugs

  1. Define the Lambda called in push-to-cloudwatch dynamically based on the environment name and the stage name
  2. Make a PGSQL version, or expand current version to somehow support both
  3. Make a MSSQL version (based on C# if necessary)

Development / Testing

LOCALPORT="3306" && \
REMOTEPORT="3306" && \
REMOTEHOST="rds-hostname-here.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com" && \
URL="username@jumpbox.myawesomeservice.com" && \


Simple remove with the serverless remove command

serverless remove

Changelog / Recent Features

Support, Feedback & Questions

Please feel free to file Github bugs if you find any. It's probably easier if you fork my repo to make your own modifications detailed above and commit them. If you make any fixed/changes that are awesome, please send me pull requests or patches.

If you have any questions/problems beyond that, feel free to email me at one of the emails in author above.