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DaisyRec is a Python toolkit dealing with rating prediction and item ranking issue.

The name DAISY (roughly :) ) stands for Multi-Dimension fAIrly compArIson for recommender SYstem. The whole framework of Daisy is showed below:

<img src="pics/DiasyRec.png" align="center" width="75%" style="margin: 0 auto">

Make sure you have a CUDA enviroment to accelarate since these deep-learning models could be based on it.

We will consistently update this repo.

<!-- A more professional daisyRec could be checked in `dev` branch -->


You can download experiment data, and put them into the data folder. All data are available in links below:

How to run

  1. Make sure running command python setup.py build_ext --inplace to compile dependent extensions before running the other code. After that, you will find file *.so or *.pyd file generated in path daisy/model/

  2. In order to reproduce results, you need to run python data_generator.py to create experiment_data folder with certain public dataset listed in our paper. If you just want to research one certain dataset, you need to modify the code in data_generator.py to indicate your demands and let this code yield train and test datasets as you want. In the default situation, data_generator.py will generate all kinds of datasets (raw data, 5-core data and 10-core data) with different data splitting methods, including tloo, loo, tfo and fo. The meaning of these split methods will be explained in the Important Commands of README.

<!-- 3. There are parameter tuning codes for validation dataset stored in `nested_tune_kit` and KPI-generating code for test dataset stored in `test_kit`. Each of the code in these folders should be moved into the root path, just the same hierarchy as `data_generator.py`, so that every user could successfully implement this code. Furthermore, if you have an IDE toolkit, you can simply set your work path and run in any folder path. -->
  1. There are seperate codes for validation and test, and they are stored in the folders of nested_tune_kit and test_kit, respectively. Each of the code in these folders should be moved into the root path, just the same directory as data_generator.py, so as to successfully run these code. Furthermore, if you have an IDE toolkit, you can simply set your work path and run in any folder path.
<!--4. As we all know, validation dataset is used for parameter tuning, so we provide *split_validation* interface inside all codes in the `nested_tune_kit` folder. Further and more detail parameter settings information about validation split method is depicted in `daisy/utils/loader.py` -->
  1. The validation dataset is used for parameter tuning, so we provide split_validation interfact inside the code in the nested_tune_kit folder. Further and more detail parameter settings information about validation split method is depicted in daisy/utils/loader.py. After finishing validation, the results will be stored in the automatically generated folder tune_log/.

  2. Based on the best parameter determined by the validation, run the test code that you moved into the root path before and the results will be stored in the automatically generated folder res/.

<!-- 5. After finished operations above, you can just run the code you moved before and wait for the result files generated in `tune_log/` for the tuning procedure or `res/` for the test set ranking results, which is dynamically created while running. -->

Examples to run:

<!-- What should I do with daisyRec if I want to reproduce the top-20 result published like *BPR-MF* with ML-1M-10core dataset(When tuning, we fix sample method as uniform method).-->

Taking the following case as an example: if we want to reproduce the top-20 results for BPR-MF on ML-1M-10core dataset.

<!-- 1. Assume you have already run `data_generator.py` and get `tfo` (time-aware split by ratio method) test dataset, you must get files named `train_ml-1m_10core_tfo.dat`, `test_ml-1m_10core_tfo.dat` in `./experiment_data/`. **This step is essential!** -->
  1. Assume we have already run data_generator.py and get the training and test datasets by tfo (i.e., time-aware split by ratio method). We should get files named train_ml-1m_10core_tfo.dat, test_ml-1m_10core_tfo.dat in ./experiment_data/.

  2. The whole procedure contains validation and test. Therefore, we first need to run hp_tune_pair_mf.py to get the best parameter settings. Besides, we may change the parameter search space in the hp_tune_pair_mf.py. Command to run:

python hp_tune_pair_mf.py --dataset=ml-1m --prepro=10core --val_method=tfo --test_method=tfo --topk=20 --loss_type=BPR --sample_method=uniform --gpu=0
<!--Since all reasonable parameter search scope was fixed in the code, there is no need to parse more arguments--> <!--3. After you finished step 2 and just get the best parameter settings from `tune_log/` or you just wanna reproduce the results provided in paper, you can run the following command to achieve it.-->
  1. After finishing step 2, we will get the best paramter settings from tune_log/. Then we can run the test code by following the command as below:
python run_pair_mf.py --dataset=ml-1m --prepro=10core --test_method=tfo --topk=20 --loss_type=BPR --num_ng=2 --factors=34 --epochs=50 --lr=0.0005 --lamda=0.0016 --sample_method=uniform --gpu=0

More details of arguments are available in help message, try:

python run_pair_mf.py --help
  1. Once step 3 terminated, we can obtain the results w.r.t. top-20 from the dynamically generated result file ./res/ml-1m/10core_tfo_pairmf_BPR_uniform.csv

More Ranking Results

More ranking results for different methods on different datasets across various settings of top-N (N=1,5,10,20,30) are available in the file of ranking_results.md.

Important Commands

The description of all common parameter settings used by code inside examples are listed below:

CommandsDescription on Commands          Choices          Description on Choices
datasetthe selected datasetsml-100k;<br>ml-1m;<br>ml-10m;<br>ml-20m;<br>lastfm;<br>bx;<br>amazon-cloth;<br>amazon-electronic;<br>amazon-book;<br>amazon-music;<br>epinions;<br>yelp;<br>citeulike;<br>netflixall choices are the names of datasets
preprothe data pre-processing methodorigin;<br>Ncore'origin' means using the raw data; <br>'Ncore' means only preserving users and items that have interactions more than N. Notice N could be any integer value
val_method<br>test_methodtrain-validation splitting;<br>train-test splittingufo<br>fo<br>tfo<br>loo<br>tloo<br>cvsplit-by-ratio-with-user-level<br>split-by-ratio<br>time-aware split-by-ratio<br>leave one out<br>time-aware leave one out<br>cross validation (only apply to val_method)
topkthe length of recommendation list
test_sizeratio of test set size
fold_numthe number of fold used for validation (only apply to 'cv', 'fo').
cand_numthe number of candidate items used for ranking
sample_methodnegative sampling methoduniform<br>item-ascd<br>item-descuniformly sampling;<br>sampling popular items with low rank;<br>sampling popular item with high rank
num_ngthe number of negative samples
<!-- | Commands | Description on Commands | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Choices&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | Description on Choices | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | dataset | the selected datasets | ml-100k;<br>ml-1m;<br>ml-10m;<br>ml-20m;<br>lastfm;<br>bx;<br>amazon-cloth;<br>amazon-electronic;<br>amazon-book;<br>amazon-music;<br>epinions;<br>yelp;<br>citeulike;<br>netflix | all choices are the names of datasets | | prepro | the data pre-processing method | origin;<br>Ncore | 'origin' means using the raw data; <br>'Ncore' means only preserving users and items that have interactions more than **N**. Notice **N** could be any integer value | | topk | the length of recommendation list | | | | test_method | method of training-test data splitting | fo<br>tfo<br>loo<br>tloo | split by ratio<br>time-aware split by ratio<br>leave one out<br>time-aware leave one out | | test_size | ratio of test set size | | | | val_method | method of training-validation splitting | cv<br>fo<br>tfo<br>tloo<br>loo<br>ufo | Combine with fold_num => fold_num-CV;<br>combine with fold_num & val_size =>fold_num-Split by ratio(9:1);<br>Split by ratio with timestamp, combine with val_size => 1-Split by ratio(9:1);<br>Leave one out with timestamp => 1-Leave one out;<br>Combine with fold_num => fold_num-Leave one out;<br>split by ratio in user level with K-fold; | | fold_num | the number of fold used for validation(only work when 'cv', 'fo' is set). | | | | cand_num | the number of candidate items used for ranking | | | | sample_method | negative sampling method | uniform<br>item-ascd<br>item-desc | uniformly sampling;<br>sampling popular items with low rank;<br>sampling popular item with high rank | | num_ng | the number of negative samples | | | --> <!--The other parameters used for specific algorithms are listed in paper.-->