This package adds functionality to the weather:bit board sold by SparkFun.
To use this package, go to, click Add Package
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This package is still under development and subject to changes.
- The CCS811 Air Quality Sensor can be directly mated to the matching pins (I2C) of the weather:bit for micro:bit system.
- I2C is set up so the user needs to start the device, then read the data.
- The CCS811 sensor takes 20 minutes to burn-in or get meaningful data.
- The TVOCs are presented as number between 0ppb to 1187ppb.
- The eCO2 (equivalent CO2) is presented as a number between 400ppm to 8192ppm.
Micro:bit Pins Used
-- I2C - SCLP20
-- I2C - SDA
CCS811 Start Function
The first block in the AirQuality package is the |CCS811 Start| block. At the start of any program which will use the air quality sensor place the |CCS811 Start| block in a "Forever" block above the rest of your code.
Air Quality Data
The CCS811 air quality sensors communicates via I2C. The data returned as a number can be stored in a variable, displayed on the 5x5 LED Matrix or sent serially to OpenLog.
|CCS811 Start|
block sets the CCS811 sensor into APP MODE - basically turns it on and ready to transmit data|Read eCO2|
block reads the equivalent CO2 and can be any number between 400ppm and 8182ppm.|Read TVOCs|
block reads the total organic volatile compounds and can be any number between 0ppb to 1187ppb.|Device Error|
block is used while troubleshooting otherwise don't use it. It will return a number corresponding to a specific error on the CCS811.|Device Status|
block is used while troubleshooting otherwise don't use it.|HWID|
block is used to test the most basic read on the I2C line. Use if you are having probelms establishing communication.
Example Project:
The following project will read the eCO2 and TVOCs data and then display it on the 5x5 LED matrix.
let eCO2 = 0
let TVOCs = 0
basic.forever(() => {
TVOCs = airQuality.readTvoc()
eCO2 = airQuality.readCo2()
Supported targets
- for PXT/microbit