

.NET Core CLR (CoreCLR)

Contains the complete runtime implementation for .NET Core. It includes RyuJIT, the .NET GC, native interop and many other components.

Modified and has been prepared specialy for https://github.com/3F/DllExport by GitHub/3F developer.

✓ License

.NET Core (including the coreclr repo) is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors
Copyright (c) 2016-2019  Denis Kuzmin < x-3F@outlook.com > GitHub/3F

CoreCLR IL Assembler

ILAsm & ILDasmCI
Win.x86-x64.ReleaseBuild status

release License NuGet package

Download: /releases [ latest ]

IL Assembler (ILAsm) + IL Disassembler (ILDasm)

Custom version on .NET Core CLR (CoreCLR) 3.0: https://github.com/3F/coreclr

Specially for: https://github.com/3F/DllExport

! To provide compatible converter of resources to obj COFF-format when assembling with ILAsm, use /CVRES (/CVR) key.

~... /CVR=cvtres.exe

Related issue: https://github.com/3F/coreclr/issues/2

NuGet Packages

Custom use via GetNuTool

gnt /p:ngpackages="ILAsm" [?]

PDB files (240 MB+) are available through GitHub Releases: https://github.com/3F/coreclr/releases

Additional MSBuild Properties: